The Mythological and Archetypal Approach.ppt

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Lecture 5 The Mythological and Archetypal Approach 一、Definitions(general) myth(神话) Story that originated in ancient times, esp one dealing with ideas or beliefs about the early history of a race, or giving explanations of natural events. --Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary 8. Fifth Symphony Dit—dit—dit—daaah! It begins by stating a distinctive four-note short-short-short-long motif twice With his classics, represented by Fate, Beethoven ushered in a new era of music, the Romanticism. Function of Myth The Metaphysical Function: Awakening a sense of awe before the mystery of being The Cosmological Function: Explaining the shape of the universe The Sociological Function: Validate and support the existing social order The Pedagogical Function: Guide the individual through the stages of life Alan W. Watts(A philosopher, writer, speaker, and expert in comparative religion)----Myth is to be defined as a complex of stories—some no doubt fact, and some fantasy—which for various reasons, human beings regard as demonstrations of the inner meaning of the universe and of human life.” (7) Sea: Symbolizes Mother of all life the Mississippi River: --You wants to keep way fum de water as much as you kin, en dont run no resk, kase its down in de bills dat yous gwyne to git hung. 2. Sun (fire sky) Sun: -creative energy -law in nature -consciousness -thinking -enlightenment Rising Sun: symbolizes birth or creation The Sonnets--Shakespeare gracious light (chapter 7) sovereign eye/ the golden face(chapter 33) clouds and eclipses stain both moon and sun(chapter 35) He has but one hour mine. suns of the world may stain when heavns sun staineth. 3. Colors as archetypes Lord of the Flies --William Golding 4. A circle Wholeness Unity Examples: -mandala -yang-yin - ouroboros 5. A Serpent Symbol of energy and pure force staff of the elder person--which bore the likeness of a great black snake 6. Numbers as Archetypes The Divine Comedy


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