Unit 08 Greek Heroes.ppt

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Jason Passage 5: Return to Greece 1. Their expedition / voyage back 1). At the island of Aeaea, Circe, Medea’s aunt, purified both Jason and Medea of the murder. 2). At the island of the Sirens, the Argonauts were saved by Orpheus’ song, avoiding the singing of the Sirens. 3). In the land of the Phaeacians, Jason and Medea got married. 4). At the island of Crete, the Argonauts killed Talos, the bronze giant created by Hephaestus. 5). At the island of Anaphe, they formed the sacrifice custom in honor of Apollo. Jason Passage 5: Return to Greece The Voyage of Jason and the Argonauts Jason Passage 5: Return to Greece 2. Return to Iolcus Arriving at Iolcus, Jason’s parents were dead. Jason and Medea decided to punish Pelias. Death of Pelias: Medea convinced Pelias’ four daughters to cut their faher into pieces and boil the pieces, to make the old young again. Jason Passage 6: The Tragic End of Marriage 1. Move to (Living in) Corinth Jason and Medea moved to Corinth, and they had two sons. Medea killed Jason’s new bride and her father. 2. Medea’s escape Medea killed her own sons by Jason. Medea escaped to Athens and married the old king Aegeus. 3. Jason’s death Jason was killed by a fallen beam which hit him on the head. Jason Extension 1. the Golden Fleece treasures obtained after innumerous hardships (历尽千辛万苦才觅得的宝物) 2. Argonauts / Argonautae courageous navigator or adventurer (泛指勇敢无畏的航海家、冒险家) 3. Sow dragon’s teeth provoke war by spreading dispute; or cultivate warriors or monster “龙齿” 喻指相互争斗的根源;“播种龙齿” 比喻(1)挑起纠纷,引起战争;(2) 培养一批武士或怪物 Jason Extension 4. Circe witch, sorceress, enchantress who charmed men (喻指善于引诱男人的女人。善用巫术将男人变成猪,曾百般引诱奥德修斯留他在岛上居住一年。) 5. Sirens’ song fine-sounding words; words that confuse or mislead people(赛壬姐妹原是美丽的少女,因受惩罚变成了人头鸟身的海妖,住在一个海岛上用美妙的歌声诱杀过往船只上的水手,岛上白骨遍地。“赛壬的歌声” 喻指甜言蜜语、迷魂汤。) Jason Extension 6. an Orphean singer (from Orpheus) Orphean 喻指“迷人的;令人神往的”。 Eg. The young people were all touched by the Orphean singer. 7.


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