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华东理工大学继续教育学院成人教育 《专科英语》(第三册)期末试卷(样卷) 考试范围:Unit 1~8 考试形式:闭卷 Part I Vocabulary and Structure (30 points) Directions: There are 30 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. ______ troubled me most was that I forgot my ID card and passport. A) What B) That C) Which D) How ______ had he got off the train ______ his daughter ran towards him. A) No sooner…when B) No sooner…than C) Hardly…than D) The moment…when ______, have you received that letter? A) By all means B) By no means C) By this means of D) By the way The country has become ______ in food production since the 1980s. A) self-reliant B) self-sufficient C) self-serviced D) self-respected The winter vacation is ______. A) at once B) at least C) at hand D) at large They are not my children, but I still feel _________ for them. A) relative B) responsible C) traditional D) informal Although many people think it is far too early, the main streets are _________ two or three weeks before Christmas. A) observed B) prepared C) deposited D) decorated He took _________ of the good weather to paint the house. A) celebration B) hospitality C) advantage D) custom The two chemicals _________ with each other at a certain temperature to produce a substance which could cause an explosion (爆炸). A) interrupt B) interview C) interact D) introduce In the U.S. students may call their teachers _______ their first names. A) / B) by C) with D) through I believe that our teacher will take your illness into _________, for she is very considerate. A) regard B) account C) observation D) respect People have to drink a certain _______ of water every day. A) number B) numbers C) amount D) amounts Metals _________ w


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