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* * Chapter 2: The Power of the Group -Felix张 Strange customs in India 01 The influence of culture 03 Crowds 02 Peer group pressure 04 Panic Factors Socialisation The influence of culture Warm-up: Finish the survey on Page 28 (1 minute) Pick out those unacceptable behaviors (1 minute) Discussion: results of violating or breaking the rules (2 minutes) Presentaion Task 1: Skimming Skim the text and find out the structure of the text (2 minutes) Culture Values Norms Mores and laws Task 2: Reading boxed text Read for the meanings of the following symbols (2 minutes) Task 2: Reading boxed text Spain/ Austria/ Scandinavia Netherlands Paris Brittany Belgium Arab Middle east Knights in Middle Ages 2 3 4 3 1 for someone of your own age/ 3 for someone at least 10 years older 1 kiss on both cheeks kissing embracing kissing before doing battle find out the kissing customs in those areas Task 2: Reading boxed text Discussion (2 minutes): Rules about kissing in China? How, when, and where do people kiss? Are the rules changing? Task 3: understanding key terms in the text (5 minutes) Term Explanation Examples Values Socially shared ideas about what is good Norms rules about socially acceptable or unacceptable behavior Kissing-who, how, when, where Money-spend time thinking or worrying about it, looking for getting more Folkways Taboos Mores Excuse me--after burping Thank you-- after job well done customs to show courtesy to others strong norms that prohibit or forbid a certain activity social norms that provide the standards of moral behavior pork--JewishMuslims beef-Hindu middle-aged men dating adolescent girls Task 4: Vocabulary territory (earth) desirable define violate penalty folkway customs courtesy/ courteous burp peculiar prohibit forbid taboo Muslim/ Islam ridicule/ ridiculous stocks mores/ moral severe enforce uphold specify/ specification/ specific multiple/ multi- bulletin/ BBS Task 5: writing task (Page33) Writing expanded definitions (1st parag


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