Discover Canada 文字部分P14-52.docx

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Canada’s HistoryABORIGINAL PEOPLESWhen Europeans explored Canada they found allregions occupied by native peoples they calledIndians, because the first explorers thought they hadreached the East Indies. The native people lived offthe land, some by hunting and gathering, others byraising crops. The Huron-Wendat of the Great Lakesregion,like the Cree and Dene of the Northwest, werehunter-gatherers. The Iroquois were hunters andfarmers. The Sioux were nomadic, following thebison (buffalo) herd. The Inuit lived off Arctic wildlife.West Coast natives preserved fish by drying andsmoking.Warfare was common among Aboriginalgroups as they competed for land, resources andprestige.The arrival of European traders, missionaries,soldiers and colonists changed the native way of lifeforever. Large numbers of Aboriginals died ofEuropean diseases to which they lacked immunity.However, Aboriginals and Europeans formed strongeconomic and military bonds in the first 200 years ofcoexistence, which laid the foundations of Canada.(Top)Indian encampment,fur trade era(Right)John Cabot, an Italianimmigrant to England,was the first to mapCanada’s Atlanticshore, setting foot onNewfoundland or CapeBreton Island in 1497 andclaiming the New FoundeLand for England. Englishsettlement did not beginuntil 1610THE FIRST EUROPEANSThe Vikings from Iceland who colonized Greenland1,000 years ago also reached Labrador and the islandof Newfoundland. The remains of their settlement,l’Anse aux Meadows, are a World Heritage site.European exploration began in earnest in 1497with the expedition of John Cabot, who was thefirst to draw a map of Canada’s east coast.EXPLORING A RIVER, NAMING CANADABetween 1534 and 1542, Jacques Cartier madethree voyagesacross the Atlantic, claiming theland for King Francis I of France. Cartier heard twocaptured guides speak the Iroquoian wordkanata, meaning “village.” By the 1550s, thename ofCanada began appearing on maps.Jacques Cartier was thefirst European to explorethe St.Lawrence


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