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毕业设计(论文) Word试题库设计 论文作者姓名: 申请学位专业: 申请学位类别: 指导教师姓名(职称): 论文提交日期: Word试题库设计 摘 要 编写试题、排版试卷一直以来都是一项繁重的工作。手工录入试题然后排版试卷工作量大且容易出错,试题的收集保存也是以文件的形式,这使得查找试题变得相当困难。改用数据库存储试题将使试题的存储和查找得到优化,这是大部分试题库软件的优势,但是这些试题库软件都使用软件自身的文本编辑器,功能十分有限,在数据的存储方面也只能存储纯文本的试题,不能存储图片、表格等。这使得用户在编辑试题时十分不便,在数据的存储方面也有很大限制。如果结合数据库的存储功能、结构化查询语言的查询功能和Word的文本编辑功能,利用Word进行试题编写、试卷排版,利用数据库存储试题,利用结构化查询语言查找试题、过滤显示同类试题,那么编写试题、排版试卷等工作将变得方便快捷。为了实现Word与数据库之间的试题存取(能够支持图片、表格、公式的存取)以及其他一些功能编写的Word试题库工具插件以COM组件的形式嵌入Word程序中,通过它将Word与试题数据库有效的结合到一起,使用户既能够方便的编辑试题又能够将试题存入数据库或从数据库中取出,还能够通过结构化查询语句搜索试题。 关键词:COM组件;Word 插件;二进制字段;结构化查询语言 The Design of an Word for the Test Question Bank Abstract Editing test questions and typesetting examination papers is always an arduous work, which is tedious and easy to make mistake. Besides, the collection of the test questions is in the form of files that makes it difficult to search proper test questions. Using the database to store test questions can improve the searching function for the test questions, but such softwares almost use their own text editors with limited format control functions. At the aspect of their storage form, they commonly only save test questions in plain text, which means they can hardly store the pictures or tables that may be nesscesary in the test question. Considering that large part of test questions are edited in MSWord, if we can utilize the powerful format control function combined with the binary data storage function of the database to provide a localized test question management tool, the work of editing test questions and typesetting examination papers would become more effective and convinent. With the help of COM component technology, such a tool can be implemented in the form of Word Addin that can integrate MSWord and the test question bank seamlessly and facilitate the users to store the test question into the bank and retrieve test questions selectively by the Structural Query Language (SQL). Key words: COM; Word Addin;


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