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Para10------Para12 It is arrogant for the well-off to praise work that is truly dreadful and destructive to workers. (Para. 10) arrogant a. having an exaggerated sense of ones own importance or abilities; self-important; pompous (高傲的,自高自大的,自以为是的) eg.Its arrogant of you to assume that you are right all the time. 如果你认为自己总是对的,那就有点自以为是。 dreadful a. 1. causing great dread, fear, or terror; terrible    (可怕的) eg.She did not look as if she might be dying of some dreadful disease. 她看上去不像是要死于某种可怕的疾病。 2. extremely bad; unpleasant; ugly; terrible; awful (糟糕的,令人心烦的) eg.All this marked the start of a dreadful year for the whole country. 所有这些,预示了整个国家全年形势一片糟糕。 destructive a. 1. causing much damage or harm; destroying (造成破坏的,灾难性的) eg.The destructive flood forced the government to invest large sums of capital in water projects. 这场灾难性的洪水迫使政府投入巨资修建水利工程。 2. (of criticism or attitude) negative and unhelpful (as opposed to constructive) (有害的,无助的,消极的) eg.The seemingly destructive behavior by small children should not be discouraged all the time. 小孩的行为有时显得有破坏性,但不要总是抑制他们这些行为。 But misery is always comparative. (Para. 10) Meaning: But misery is always relative to the experiences and surroundings each person is familiar with. 然而劳动带给人们的不幸总是相对而言的。 misery n. 1. [C,U] great mental or emotional distress; extreme unhappiness


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