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第一篇行为人I. ACTING MAN1.有目的的行为与动物的反应1. Purposeful Action and Animal Reaction人的行为是有目的的。我们也可以这么说:行为是见之于活动而变成一个动作的意志,是为了达成某些目的,是自我对于外界环境的刺激所做出的有有意义的反应,是一个人对于决定其生活的宇宙所做出的有意识的调整。这样变换词句而重复地讲,或许可使定义更清楚而免遭误解。这个定义本身是恰当的,是用不着做什么补充或注释的。Human action is purposeful behavior. Or we may say: Action is willput into operation and transformed into an agency, is aiming at endsand goals, is the ego’s meaningful response to stimuli and to the conditionsof its environment, is a person’s conscious adjustment to the state of theuniverse that determines his life. Such paraphrases may clarify the definitiongiven and prevent possible misinterpretations. But the definition itself isadequate and does not need complement of commentary.有意识的、或有目的的行为,同无意识地行为有着鲜明的对比,后者是身体的细胞与神经对于刺激的反射作用以及不自觉地反应。人们有时会认为,有意识的行为与无意识地反应都是人体内部一些力的活动,而这两者之间的界线或多或少是不明确的。这种想法只在当有时我们不容易区分某一具体行为是有意还是无意之时才是正确的。无论如何,有意与无意是有着显著的区别并且可以被明白断定的。Conscious or purposeful behavior is in sharp contrast to unconscious behavior,i.e., the reflexes and the involuntary responses of the body’s cells and nervesto stimuli. People aresometimes prepared to believe that the boundaries betweenconscious behavior and the involuntary reaction of the forces operating withinman’s body are more or less indefinite. This is correct only as far as it issometimes not easy to establish whether concrete behavior is to be consideredvoluntary or involuntary. But the distinction between consciousness and unconsciousnessis nonetheless sharp and can be clearly determined.身体的器官与细胞的不自觉的动作,就行为的自我而言,和外界的其它事件例如天气或是邻居的态度一样,都在行为人的考虑范围之内。当然,在某一限度内,有目的的行为也可以抵消体内动作的影响。也就是说,在一定的限度内,使身体受到控制是可能的。人有时经由自己的意志力,补偿了生理上的缺陷,或是抑制了一些反射作用,从而成功地克服了疾病。意识行为领域可以扩大到这件事可能的限度。如果一个人,虽然他可以控制细胞和神经中枢的非本意反应,但他却不去控制,从我们的观点来看,他的行为也是有意的。The unconscious behavior of the bodily organs and cells is for the acting egono less a datum than any other fact of the external world. Acting man must takeinto account all that goes on within his own body as well as other data, e.g., theweather or the attitudes of his neigh


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