Language points_2723468.ppt

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The doctor put him on a ___ to keep thinner. The patient mustn’t go without____, but she should have a ___ without sugar. -ing 形式短语做伴随状语 *比较级的否定形式,实际上是最高级的含义. “Did you sleep well last night?” “Never better, like a rock.” (再好不过) Nobody loved money better than he. I think nothing is more pleasant than traveling. be tired of sth/doing be tired out. be tired from sth/doing 8. It cost more than a good meal in his own restaurant. cost 表示某物值…花费.. sth cost …. spend 指人花费 spend sth on/in doing sth take 指某物/人花费或需要多少时间, it takes sb/ sth to do.. 11. He couldn’t have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies! 他可不能让咏慧哄骗人们! a) have + sth/sb + do /doing /done have sb. doing 表示允许或容忍(某事物)发生, 强调让动作持续进行或使某人或某物处于某种状态. 此处的have 用在否定句中, 特别是用在will not, can not 等之后。 I won’t have you saying so. 我不容许你这样说。 He won’t have his daughter arriving home late. 他不容许女儿晚回家。 I won’t have you waiting long. e.g. I had my hair _____ yesterday.(cut) If you will have me _____, I will stay. 如果你让我留下, 我就留下。(stay) I can’t have you________ (say) . We had the enemy _______(surround). Don’t have the water ______(run). b) get away with doing sth. (informal): 1不因某事受惩罚 3偷携某物潜逃。 The robbers robbed the bank and got away with a lot of money. 这些盗贼抢了银行, 携巨款潜逃。 5. throw away=throw down: get rid of something 扔掉;抛弃;失去;浪费 This is your last chance; don’t throw it away/down. That old chair should have been thrown away/down. throw away throw in throw up throw back tell a lie=tell lies说谎 lie lay lain lying 躺 位于 lie lied lied lying 撒谎 lay laid laid laying 下蛋 放置 产卵 lay lie He told me the table still _____where I had ______it. In the end the enemy had to ______down their arms. Twenty years ago, he was born in a small village which _____in a mountain. She ______about her age. She is older than what she said. The boy lying under the tree ____that their cock ____an egg yesterday. 6. research n.v. 研究;调查;探索 do


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