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unit03_new words_a. New Words <1>lean vi. 1. be against a wall or other surface 倚,靠 There is a ladder leaning against the wall. 有一架梯子靠在墙上。 The old man leaning upon his stick at the gate is John's grandfather. 那位在大门边倚着拐杖的老人是约翰的祖父。 2. bend in a certain direction 倾斜,倾向,偏向 Don't lean out of the window when the bus is moving. 公共汽车开出时,别把身子探出窗外。 Just lean forward for a moment, please. 请向前靠一会儿。 <2>balance n. 1. [U] mental or emotional calm 平静,镇静 She soon recovered her balance after she lost her temper. 她发脾气后不久就恢复了平静。 His wife helped him keep his balance during difficult times. 他的妻子在他困难时候帮助他保持沉着心态。 2. [U] a state in which all weights and forces are evenly spread so as not to fall 平衡,均衡 Horse riders need a good sense of balance. 骑马的人需要有良好的平衡感。 It's difficult to keep one's balance on an icy street. 在结冰的街道上保持平衡是不容易的。 v. (cause to) be even and keep in balance (使)平衡,(使)均衡 When you ride a bicycle you must learn to balance. 骑自行车必须学会保持平衡。 Balancing my cup of coffee in one hand, I managed to open the door. 我拿稳手中的咖啡杯,设法打开了门。 vt. consider in relation to sth. else; compare 权衡,比较 You have to balance the positive points of living in a big city against the negative ones. 你必须权衡居住在大城市的利弊。 They balanced the profit and loss to see what had been gained. 他们比较盈亏情况,看看赚了多少。 <3>severe a. 1. very bad or serious 恶劣的,严重的;剧烈的 She is suffering from a severe headache. 她头疼得厉害。 The dry season is becoming more and more severe. 旱灾日益严重。 2. strict or hard in thinking or treatment严格的,严肃的,严厉的 Drug dealers face a severe punishment. 贩毒者会受到严厉的惩罚。 The president came under severe criticism for the new tax policy. 新的税收政策使总统受到严厉抨击。 <4> <em>severely</em> ad. in a strict way 严重地;严格地,严厉地 The house was severely damaged in the hurricane. 房屋在飓风中遭受严重损坏。 My mother was suffering severely from a cold. 我母亲正患重感冒。 <5>cripple vt. make sb. unable to walk or move properly 使跛,使残废 He was crippled in an accident. 他在一次事故中变成了残废。 He has been crippled with pain. 他感觉很疼,走路一瘸一拐。 n. [C] sb. who is physically disabled, esp. unable to w


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