
Chemistry Laboratory Safety Rules Clarkson University克拉克森大学化学实验室安全规则.ppt

Chemistry Laboratory Safety Rules Clarkson University克拉克森大学化学实验室安全规则.ppt

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Demonstrate safe behavior Obey all safety instructions. Clean up spills immediately; IF you know how. If you are uncertain how to clean up a spill or if a large spill occurs, notify persons in accordance to the emergency procedure. Demonstrate safe behavior Before leaving the lab: Demonstrate safe behavior Before leaving the lab: Return equipment and chemicals to their proper places Demonstrate safe behavior Before leaving the lab: Return equipment and chemicals to their proper places Be sure to replace the lids to all containers Demonstrate safe behavior Before leaving the lab: Return equipment and chemicals to their proper places Be sure to replace the lids to all containers Clean up your work area Know how to dispose of waste Dispose of all waste materials according to your instructional ? ? ? ? Report any accidents or unsafe conditions immediately! Chemistry Laboratory Safety Rules /shs/stf/cbrown/Chemistry%20Laboratory%20Safety%20Rules.ppt Sharps Safety /cohengroup/safety/sharps.pdf A high degree of precaution must always be taken with any sharp items used in the laboratory, including needles and syringes, glass slides and cover slips, Pasteur pipettes, capillary tubes, as well as broken glass, and scalpels, blades, and knives. Sharps must be disposed of in an approved sharps container. Sharps containers may never be placed in the normal waste stream or used for any purpose other than sharps disposal. Sharps containers have to be: Puncture Resistant Clearly marked Within easy reach of the work station Filled to no more than 3/4 capacity Sealed (i.e. capped or taped) prior to transport Sharps Safety CHEMICALLY CONTAMINATED SHARPS: Sharps contaminated with hazardous materials must be placed in a puncture proof container and sealed with a screw-on cap. The container must be labeled as hazardous waste, with the associated chemicals identified. Contact Phil Dennicort in the Chemical Stock Room (x 2338) f



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