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CLAUSES:THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF SENTENCES CLAUSE: A GROUP OF WORDS WITH A SUBJECT AND A VERB The handsome young man and his ugly dog Not a clause, because no verb Making lots of money Not a clause, because no subject Even though we don’t have money. Clause, because we=subject, do have=verb I am so in love with you, honey. Clause, because I=subject, am=verb Instead of the blue dress at Macy’s. Not a clause, because no subject or verb INDEPENDENT VS. DEPENDENT CLAUSES Independent Clauses Expresses a complete thought Can stand alone Example: The coffee was fresh. Dependent Clauses Do NOT express a complete thought Cannot stand alone as a sentence Example: Even though the coffee was fresh. WHAT MAKES A DEPENDENT CLAUSE SO DEPENDENT? Dependent Clauses begin with dependent words: after if, even if when, whenever although in order that where, wherever as since whether because that, so that which, whichever before unless while even though until who how what, whatever whose Practice: Write five dependent clauses using some of the dependent words above. Hint: Remember that dependent clauses still have a subject and a verb. IDENTIFY EACH GROUP OF WORDS AS DC (DEPENDENT CLAUSE), IC (INDEPENDENT CLAUSE) OR NC (NOT A CLAUSE) Whenever I see you smile I usually get my paycheck on Mondays Whatever you want After grading the next set of papers After school, we will play basketball After you drink your coffee Hint: Does it contain a subject and verb? Yes=clause No=not a clause Does it begin with a dependent word? No=IC Yes=probably DC Is it a complete thought? No=DC Yes=IC IDENTIFY EACH GROUP OF WORDS AS DC (DEPENDENT CLAUSE), IC (INDEPENDENT CLAUSE) OR NC (NOT A CLAUSE) Whenever I see you smile DC I usually get my paycheck on Mondays IC Whatever you want DC After grading the next set of papers NC After school, we will play basketball IC After you drink your coffee DC MORE PRACTICE WITH CLAUSES /owl/index/sent/clause_quiz.htm
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