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绯闻女孩第五季第10集 Gossip Girl Season 5 Episode10八卦天后在此Gossip girl here--这是你了解曼哈顿名流们your one and only source绯闻的唯一渠道into the scandalous lives of Manhattans elite.她根本不是什么查莉·罗兹Shes not Charlie Rhodes.她是艾薇·迪肯斯Shes Ivy Dickens.从佛罗里达州来想当演员Shes a wannabe actress from Florida.你再不走我们就报警了You should go before we call the police.在得到补偿之前我不会就这么离开的Im not leaving town until I get what I deserve.现在已经没人能伤到我了No one can touch me anymore.我现在是罗兹家的人Im a Rhodes now.莫林对特里普不忠Maureens cheating on Trip.这其中肯定有误会There must be some mistake.莫林是一位忠诚的妻子Maureens a devoted wife.我明白你得报道这件事Look, I get you have to run the story, just...但是我希望你别因为讨厌我I hope you dont let your personal feelings against me而更丑化这件事make it any uglier than it has to be.我承认我看过那个网页Ill admit that I saw the web page,但绝对不是我泄露出去的but I had nothing to do with it coming out.如果不是你那会是谁呢Well, if you didnt do it, then who did?大家都走了你也走吧Do you see those people leaving? Why dont you join them?直到我看到你面对布莱尔时的样子It wasnt until I saw you confronting Blair我才发现我想错了that I realized I had it all wrong.你爱上她了Youre in love with her.我才没有爱上布莱尔Im not in love with Blair.这段时间以来你确实变好了对吧Youve really been good this whole time, havent you?我想要放开过去让你得到你应有的幸福生活I wanted to move on to give you the happy life you deserve.我变得阴暗和绝望I only turned dark and desperate是因为我一直害怕会失去你because I was afraid of losing you.道歉完毕安全漏洞也已经修复Apologies have been made and the security breach fixed.但两周过去了仍然没有一条情报But two weeks later, and still not one tip.显然说到怀恨在心Apparently, no one can hold a grudge谁也比不上上东区的人like an upper east sider...当然他们撒谎也是无人能及的And no one can lie like one, either.这杯敬查莉Heres to Charlie,她正在慢慢体会成为名媛永远都不晚whos learning its never too late to be a debutante,也敬妈妈她老人家抓住每个机会办舞会and to mom, who couldnt refuse one last ball.不是舞会一个小派对罢了Oh! Its not a ball. Its just a little party把我可爱的外甥女介绍给大家to introduce my darling niece into society.卡萝当年自己出够了洋相Just because Carol made a mockery of her own debut does not不代表查莉就不能一展自己风采mean that Charlie should be cheated out of the experience.她雇了卡伦·芬利到她家Yeah, she hired Kar


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