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EXPRESSIONS OF A NEW ENGLISH COURSE BOOK THREE UNIT 1 be short of 缺乏 summon sb. to do sth. 叫某人做某事 with an air of以……样子;用……神情 smell of 有……的味道 judging by / from 根据……来判断,从……来判断 salt cellar(餐桌上的)盐瓶 the teaching set-up 教学安排 General School Certificate 普通教育证书 attach importance to sth. 认为某事物重要;重视 have sth. in common (with sb.) 与……有共同之处 range in age / price from…to… 年龄/价格从……到……不等 split …up into 将……分成 at the thought of 一想起,一想到 be incompetent at 不擅长 not so much…but the fact that…不是……而是…… a crocodile of 双列队 get to ones feet 站起来 the last straw 终于使人无法忍受的最后一击 (at) the prospect of 想到 job hunting / job seeking 求职 ……………………………………………………………………………………… make no comment 没有发表评论 set ones mind on doing sth.下决心要做某事,决心做某事 be capable of 有……的能力;易于 an incurable disease 不治之症 for one reason or another 因为某种原因 get round to doing sth. 腾出时间来做某事 on a note of 用……的口气/口吻说话;用……的声调/调子说话 private means(投资等)私人收入 instill in / into 向(某人)慢慢灌输 in due course 及时地,在适当时候 ……………………………………………………………………………………… get across 讲清楚,使人了解 attend to 专心,注意 leave out 遗漏 on second thoughts 进一步考虑后 in chronological order按年月日顺序;按时间顺序 It goes without saying 不用说,不言而喻 appeal to ones senses具有感染力 thermos flask热水瓶,保温瓶 take aback 使某人大吃一惊 set sb. at ease使某人感到自在/安逸 see eye to eye with sb. 与某人意见一致,与某人见解一致 classified columns 分类专栏 an even temper 沉静的性情 EXPRESSIONS OF A NEW ENGLISH COURSE BOOK THREE UNIT 2 be uncertain about/of sth. 对某事不太确定,不能确定某事 look ones goodbye at sb./sth. 依依不舍地向……告别 as a rule 通常 no exception to the rule ……也不例外 call up 向上叫喊,朝上喊 put ones hand out for sth. 伸手去拿某物 cling to sb. / sth. 紧握,紧紧抓住;粘着,缠着 claim ones attention 唤起某人的注意;值得 / 需要某人注意 bend over 俯身 push up 把……推上去 prepare someone for sth. 使某人作好……的准备;使某人为……作好准备 be grateful to sb. for sth.(因某事而)感谢某人 at short notice在短时间内;接到命令后立即 help out 帮助某人解决困难 wind down 把(汽车玻璃)摇下 careless even of the cost to others 丝毫不在意别人的感受 in a gesture of despair 用绝望的手势 be supposed to do sth. 应该(做某事) keep to ones bed 因病躺在床上 in hostile silence 满怀敌意的沉默 make excuses for oneself 为自己找借口 if only 要是……那该多好啊,要是……就好;真


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