2016年秋电大 [整理]2011年电大7月英语考试范围阅读部分.doc

2016年秋电大 [整理]2011年电大7月英语考试范围阅读部分.doc

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A survey has shown that people have stopped believing both the media and politicians……The only answer is to be more honest. 1、The number of people believing politicians and journalists has _________.(decreased) 2、Experts think this problem ________.(will not get better soon) 3、Stories say businessmen give money to ________.(politicians and journalists) 4、Mr. Smith thinks politicians make laws _________.(to help their friends ) 5、People can now check stories using _________.(the Internet) We have two cats at home……They have lived with us now for 5 years. 1、Sarah got the cats _______.(after she moved into the house) 2、Sarah thinks _______.(Milo is a boy) 3、Mamma was named “Mamma” because________.(they think she is Milo’s mother) 4、Milo and Mamma were_______.(free) 5、Milo is not very fit because________.(he was a stray) East London has traditionally been an area……and Docklands Airport have attracted more people to the area. 1. East London has ________.(always been a home for immigrants) 2. Immigrants are attracted by _________.(jobs) 3. London’s docks were _________.(in East London) 4. East London ________.(used to be a cheap place to live) 5. People are attracted to East London because _________.(it has good transport links) There have been changes in all sorts of different……the UK along with other European countries. 1.What does the passage mainly discuss?(The increasing divorce rate in the UK) 2.During the last ten years,________.(the marriage rate has gone down more rapidly in the UK) 3.According to the passage, the cohabitation rate in the UK tends to_______.(soar) 4.According to the passage, which of the following statements in NOT true?(The highest divorce rate was around 1969) 5.The last paragraph tells us _____.(the birth rate in the UK is decreasing rapidly now) Molly Wilson had been a dancer and a mother for many years when she……I want to do the whole ten-month journey.” 1. What does the word “extraordinary” mean in the title? (very unusual and sur


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