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PRODUCTION TECHNICAL TRAINING 生产培训 PRESENTS 课程介绍 MODULE: Steam Turbine 模块:蒸汽透平 STEAM TURBINES 蒸汽透平 DESIGNED FOR ENHANCING OPERATIONS KNOWLEDGE SKILLS 适用于提高操作知识和技能 STUDENT PACKAGE 学生部分 Overview: In this module, the basic knowledge and skills requirements regarding STEAM TURBINES will be discussed. Each student must: 概述:在本模块里,将讨论有关蒸汽透平的基础知识和技能要求。每个学生必须: Read and study the materials as presented. 阅读和学习所提供的材料。 Obtain and study the materials noted in the “Learning Activities” section. 获得并学习“培训活动”这一节注明的资料。 Complete the “SelfStudy” questions. 完成“自学”问题。 Check the answers to the “SelfStudy” questions and ask the instructor for assistance to determine why any question/s were missed. 检查“自学”问题的答案,并向教员请教答题为何答错。 Complete a “Participant Feedback” form (optional) and, when completed, send it to the Learning Development Services Office at Mail Code B06. 完成“参加者反馈”表(任选),把表寄给您的培训协调员或生产部培训。 LEARNING OBJECTIVES 培训目标 As a result of this training the Operator will, with 100% accuracy, according to the information presented in this training module: 这项培训的结果是,按照本模块提供的资料,操作者将100%掌握: Describe turbine operating theory and basic turbine components. 描述透平操作原理和透平基本构件。 Describe the major seal, lube oil, and control systems used in turbines. 描述透平使用的主要密封、润滑油和控制系统 Describe problems common to steam turbines and their associated. causes. 描述蒸汽透平常见问题和问题产生的原因。 List and describe the major tasks that Operators perform in relation to steam turbines. 列出并描述操作员对蒸汽透平执行的主要任务。 Describe the overall function and operation of surface condensers. 描述表面冷凝器总体功能和操作。 Describe the overall function and operation of gas turbines, turboexpanders and hydraulic turbines. 描述气体透平、涡轮膨胀机和液压透平的总体功能和操作。 TABLE OF CONTENTS 目录 If viewing this document on a computer, you can move directly to a subject area by pointing and SINGLE clicking on the title. 如果你在计算机上查看本目录,你可以通过移动光标到想要主题的标题上,单击之后直接进入到想要的主题区域 I. INTRODUCTION 9 引言 II. Steam Turbine Design and Operating Theory 9 蒸汽透平设计和操作原理 A. Basic Desig


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