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第九届“挑战杯”甘肃省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛 作 品 名 称: 子午岭地区鸟类物种多样性及区系分析 学 校 全 称: 陇东学院 申报者姓名 (集体名称): 罗东亮 徐晶 黄小龙 子午岭地区鸟类物种多样性及区系分析 【摘 要:2010年-2012年对子午岭地区鸟类的群落结构、区系组成、分布、数量和居留情况进行了调查研究,并于2010年7月—10月对陇东学院动物标本馆鸟类标本进行了系统整理。共记录到子午岭地区鸟类199种,隶属于17目 43 科 120属。其中雀形目102种,占51.3%;非雀形目97种,占48.7%。留鸟 61种,占总数的30.7%;夏候鸟84种,占总数的42.2%;冬候鸟14种,占总数的2.0%;旅鸟40种,占总数的20.1% ,候鸟显著多于留鸟。雀形目和非雀形目鸟类的居留性存在着明显的差异,雀形目中留鸟明显多于非雀形目,非雀形目中旅鸟比雀形目显著为多。全年的鸟类群落结构有明显的季节性变化,春秋季变化较大,冬夏季则较稳定。 199种鸟类共包括13个分布型,古北种115种,占总数的57.8%;东洋种51种,占总数的25.6%;广布种33种,占总数的16.6%,区系成分以古北界种类占优势,东洋界种类亦较丰富,具有显著的南北种类,季风区及蒙新区种类相互混杂的特点。16年来,由于环境变化和人类活动的影响,有23种鸟类从子午岭地区消失,新增鸟类89种,增减总数达112种,占子午岭地区现有鸟类种数的56.3%。受全球气候变暖的影响,东洋界种类由6.8%上升到25.6%。鸟类群落的演替变化十分明显。 【Bird Species Diversity and Fauna Analysis in the Ziwuling Region of Loess Plateau, China Abstract: In this study, community structure, fauna composing, distribution, amount as well as residence on birds in the Ziwuling region of loess plateau from 2010 to 2012 were investigated, besides, birds specimen in zoological museum of Longdong University were classified from July to October in 2010. And finally, bird records in the Ziwuling region were 199 species, subjected to 17order, 43 families, and 120 genera. Among them, there are 102 species of passerine with 51.3% of the total, and 97 species of non-passerine with 48.7% of the total, in respectively. Besides, there were 61 species of resident bird with 30.7%, 84 species of summer visitor with 42.2%, 14 species of winter visitor with 2.0%, as well as 40 species of passing migrant birds with 20.1% of the total, in respectively, and amount of migratory bird is significantly more than resident bird. Furthermore, there is a significant difference between passerine and non-passerine concerning their resident. In the passerine, resident bird is the dominate species but passing migrant birds is dominate species in the non-passerine. Besides, their community structures all of the year represented si


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