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大连科技学院毕 业 设 计 (论 文)题目 基于单片机的sd卡数据操作设计 学生姓名专业班级机械电子工程 09 指导教师许鸣宇 职 称   讲师   所在单位 机械工程系 教研室主任 许鸣宇  完成日期 2012年 6 月 21 日摘 要许多工业现场需要数据采集器完成各类数据采集工作。实际应用中要求数据采集器工作可靠,成本低廉,操作简单便于数据收集和分析;既要方便与PC机联机,又能独立完成数据采集、存储工作。SD卡在现在的日常生活与工作中使用也非常广泛,时下已经成为最为通用的数据存储卡。在诸如MP3、数码相机等设备上也都采用SD卡作为其存储设备。SD卡之所以得到如此广泛的使用,是因为它价格低廉、存储容量大、使用方便、通用性与安全性强等优点。既然它有着这么多优点,那么如果将它加入到单片机应用开发系统中来,将使系统变得更加出色。这就要求对SD卡的硬件与读写时序进行研究。长期以来,以Flash Memory为存储体的SD卡因具备体积小、功耗低、可擦写以及非易失性等特点而被广泛应用于消费类电子产品中。特别是近年来,随着价格不断下降且存储容量不断提高,它的应用范围日益增广。当数据采集系统需要长时间地采集、记录海量数据时,选择SD卡作为存储媒质是开发者们一个很好的选择。论文介绍了SD卡存储采集数据电路设计原理、电路以及程序,详细阐述了用AT89C51单片机对SD卡进行操作的过程。关键词:单片机 sd卡 串口 通信 ABSTRACTMany industry site need data collector of all kinds of data acquisition work completed. Practical application request data collector reliable, low cost, easy to operate, easy to data collection and analysis; Both convenient and PC online, and independently complete the data acquisition, storage work.SD card is widely used in daily life and work. Now, it has become the most common data storage card. Such as MP3, digital cameras and other equipment are also using the SD card as the storage device. SD card is so widely used, because it has the advantages of low price, the advantages of large storage capacity, convenient use, versatility and strong safety. Since it has so many advantages, so if it is added to the MCU application development system, will make the system better. This requires hardware and read SD card to write time study.Long-term since, to Flash Memory memory SD card has small size, low power consumption, erasable and non-volatile characteristics have been widely used in consumer electronic products. Especially in recent years, with falling prices and increasing storage capacity, its application range is extended. When the data acquisition system needs a long time to collect, record data, select the SD card as storage medium is the developers


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