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《西厢记》(节选) 王实甫
Grey are the clouds in the sky and faded are the leaves on the ground
Bitter is the east wind as the wild geese fly from the north to the south.
(上句中的“西风”译为east wind,是出于中西方文化之差异而意译的)
How is it that in the morning the white-frosted trees are dyed as red as a wine flushed face
It must have been caused by the tears of those who are about to depart.
《白云泉》 白居易 (添加色调)
天平山上白云泉 behold the White Cloud Fountain on the Sky-Blue Mountain
云自无心水自闲 white clouds enjoy free pleasure; water enjoys leisure
何必奔冲山下去 why should the torrent dash down from the mountain high
更添波浪向人间 and overflow the human world with waves far and nigh?
《送别·丹阳送韦参军》 严维 (语义的句内转移)
丹阳郭里送行舟 at the outer wall of Danyang, I see your boat go
一别心知两地秋 knowing in both hearts our sorrows will grow
日晚江南望江北 from the south of the river I look at the north
寒鸦飞尽水悠悠 and only see crows flying over the cold waterflow
《赠孟浩然》 李白 (酒文化中圣)
醉月频中圣 you’d better rather be frequently drunk with the moon
迷花不事君 more than serving the power you love the bloom
高山安可仰 high mountains symbolize your noble mind
徒此揖清芬 here lies my admiration for you and your kind
《秋夕》 杜牧 (以蕴译名)
银烛秋光冷画屏 the painted screen is chilled in silver candlelight
轻罗小扇扑流萤 she uses a silken fan to catch passing fireflies
天阶夜色凉如水 the steps seem steeped in water when cold grows the night
坐看牵牛织女星 she lies watching heart-broken stars shed tears in the skies
《枫桥夜泊》 张继 (意化寺庙名)
月落乌啼霜满天 the moon goes down and crows caw in the frosty sky
江枫渔火对愁眠 dimly-lit fishing boats’ neath maples sadly lie
姑苏城外寒山寺 beyond the Gusu walls the Temple of Cold Hill
夜半钟声到客船 rings bells which reach my boat, breaking the midnight still
《春日》 秦观
一夕轻雷落万丝 last night soft thunder mixed with myriad streaks of rain
霁光浮瓦碧参差 now in the sun tiers of glazed tiles are a bright green
有情芍药含春泪 the affectionate peonies are in spring tears
无力蔷薇卧晓枝 while the r