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DOCKING ENGINEERING(坞修工程) talking about the repair list 1good morning/afternoon, sir. Would you please show me where the ship’s office is?早上/下午好!先生.您能告诉我船上的会议室在什么地方吗? 2.very nice to meet you, mr,superintend. I’m the docking fitter supervisor. Could you tell me some repair work about the docking fitter part? Such as propeller, shafting, rudder system, anchor chains, sea bottom valve and over board valve ,etc.3.The propeller should be dismantled and hung up with help of the chain blocks or winch. Propeller and propeller cap should be polished, and check the propeller blade by dye penetration. If there are some deformities of the propeller blade, we want it to be repaired as well. 首先,要将螺旋桨拆卸下来,用葫芦或者卷扬机吊起,螺旋桨及其将军帽要抛光,并且着色探伤.如果桨叶有变形的话,我们也要修理. 4.The intermediate shaft should be dismantled and hung up, the tail shaft should be dismantled and withdrawn into the E/R. The tail shaft taper should be checked by the magnetic particle test and the fore and aft seals should be renewed. The for and aft liners should be checked and measured, the outside surface should be machined if necessary.中间轴要拆掉,吊起;尾轴抽进机舱;尾轴梢头要进行磁粉探伤;首尾密封要换新;如有必要,首尾不锈钢套检查测量;不锈钢套外圆要光车. 5.The anchors and anchor chains should be lowered down and ranged on the deck of dry/floating dock. Measured the diameter of each length, cleaned by means of the high pressure water, marked by the red and white paint and stainless steel wire.锚和锚链要卸下并在干/浮坞甲板摆放,测量每一节锚链直径,高压水冲洗,用红,白油漆和白钢链条作标记. 6.The upper and lower rudder pintle clearance should be measured and recorded. The rudder jumper clearance also should be measured and record. The inspection hole should be opened and the pintle nut should be checked. The packing cover should be dismounted and the packing should be checked. Before you atart the job, please inform the chief engineer. He would like to go together with you for inspection in situs.舵的上下舵栓间隙及跳动量需要测量一下并作记录;观察孔打开,检查一下舵销螺母;打开盘根压盖,检查一下盘根.当做这些工作时,请通知我们的轮机长现场看一下. 7.All the sea bottom valves and overboard valves sh


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