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1. A patient accusing a doctor of malpractice will find it difficult to prove damage if there is a lack of some other doctor to testify about proper medical procedures.
(A) if there is a lack of some other doctor to testify
(B) unless there will be another doctor to testify
(C) without another doctors testimony
(D) should there be no testimony from some other doctor
(E) lacking another doctor to testify
2. Samuel Sewall viewed marriage, as other seventeenth-century colonists, like a property arrangement rather than an emotional bond based on romantic love.
(A) Samuel Sewall viewed marriage, as other seventeenth-century colonists, like a property arrangement rather than
(B) As did other seventeenth-century colonists, Samuel Sewall viewed marriage to be a property
arrangement rather than viewing it as
(C) Samuel Sewall viewed marriage to be a property arrangement, like other seventeenth-century
colonists, rather than viewing it as
(D) Marriage to Samuel Sewall, like other seventeenth-century colonists, was viewed as a property arrangement rather than
(E) Samuel Sewall, like other seventeenth-century colonists, viewed marriage as a property arrangement rather than
3. Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Environmental Protection Agency is required either to approve individual state plans for controlling the discharge of wastes into underground water or that they enforce their own plan for states without adequate regulations.
(A) that they enforce their
(B) for enforcing their
(C) they should enforce their
(D) it should enforce its
(E) to enforce its
4. Last year, land values in most parts of the pinelands rose almost so fast. and in some parts even faster than what they did outside the pinelands.
(A) so fast, and in some parts even faster than what they did
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