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中国书法(Chinese calligraphy) 汉字从图画和符号演变而来,中国书法艺术自然而然衍生于这一特殊的书写体系,因此中国书法也被称作线条艺术。尽管中国书法以汉字为表达工具,但要欣赏中国书法之美,不一定非要懂得汉语。书法的目的在于保持(retain)自然之美,突显(illuminate)人类精神之美。书写的文字能够彰显书法家(calligrapher)对生活和艺术的理解。书法作为一门中国传统艺术,很早便为邻国所青睐。 Chinese characters evolved from pictures and signs, and the Chinese art of calligraphy developed naturally from this special writing system, so Chinese calligraphy is also called the art of lines. Although Chinese calligraphy uses Chinese words as its vehicle of expression, one does not have to know the language to appreciate its beauty. The purpose of calligraphy is to retain the beauty of nature and illuminate man’s spiritual beauty. The written characters reveal the calligrapher’s understanding of life and arts. Being a Chinese traditional art, Chinese calligraphy also found favor in the neighboring countries from the early times. 2. 婚俗 中国是一个有56个民族的大国。不同的民族有不同的婚俗。但无论是哪个民族,结婚仪式都很复杂。传统的中国婚礼仪式包括6个步骤:说媒、定亲、聘礼(betrothal presents)、迎娶、拜堂(three bows)、喝交杯酒(wedlock wine)。在一对新人订婚后,接下来就是挑选吉日成亲。有一些人会请算命先生挑选结婚的吉日(通常是双日子),这样就是双喜临门了。婚礼庆典很隆重,最后是很奢华的婚宴。 China is a large country with 56 nationalities. Different nationalities have different marriage customs, but whatever the nationality is, the wedding ceremony is usually very complicated. The traditional Chinese marriage usually involves six procedures, namely: match-making, engagement, betrothal presents, meeting the bride, three bows, and drink wedlock wine. When a new couple is engaged, what followed is a choice of the date of their marriage. Some people would ask a fortune-teller for a lucky date (usually an even number) so that their marriage would have “Double Happiness”. The wedding ceremony is usually presided warmly, and the wedding ceremony very often ends with a very extravagant banquet. 3. 鼓浪屿 鼓浪屿是位于厦门西南隅的一个小岛,面积仅1.78平方公里,素以“海上花园”的美称享誉中外,是国家级重点风景名胜区。它四面环海,绿色葱茏。环境优美,风光秀丽。它还是全国独一无二的“步行岛”,岛上空气清新,没有车马的喧嚣,却时闻琴声悠扬。岛上居民多喜爱钢琴和小提琴,很多中国著名的音乐家都出生于此,故又有“琴岛”和“音乐之岛”的雅称。 Gulangyu Island, a small



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