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Section C_328550

八年级上册教案设计 Unit 2 Keeping Healthy Topic 1 You should see a dentist. Section C Ⅰ. Material analysis 本节课为单元第四课时。 主要活动为Section C 的1a和1d。 本课课文讲述了Michael 因运动不当受伤,同学们积极护送他到医院的故事。巩固了提建议的说法I think you should see a doctor. 又呈现了两种提建议的说法:(1) You can take him home. (2) You need to rest at home for a week. 文章呈现了一些新的短语:play on his skateboard, try something new, fall down with a cry, call a taxi, take two pills等。告诫学生要健康运动,不要在运动中伤害了自己,影响自己的健康。课后要求学生复述课文并针对Michael提出适当的建议,写成短文在上Section D时做每日报告。 Ⅱ. Teaching aims Knowledge aims: 1. 能正确运用以下短语进行书面表达:hurt his leg, fall down, call a taxi, give some pills,feel terrible, see a doctor, take sb to…, rest at home, feel better, look after sb等。 2. 能正确地运用过去时描述小的意外事件,并能针对事件写请假条。 Skill aims: 1. 能读懂有关校园意外事件的文章。 2. 能熟练地运用hurt his leg, fall down, call a taxi, give some pills, feel terrible, see a doctor, take sb to…, rest at home, feel better, look after sb等短语描述意外事故,并能 针对事故写请假条。 3.能针对意外事故提出自己的建议,表示自己的关心,能用英语书面表达写出以上内容。 Emotional aims: 通过学习,告诫学生要健康运动,保护自己的健康。同时要学会关心他人,在意外事故发生时,要积极帮助,及时解决问题。 Ⅲ. The key points and difficult points Key points: 用以下短语进行意外事故的描写: hurt his leg, fall down, call a taxi, give some pills, feel terrible, see a doctor, take sb to…, rest at home, feel better, look after sb Difficult points: (1) while从句的出现: Maria flew her kite while Michael played on his skateboard. (2) need提建议: You need to rest at home for a week. Ⅳ. Learning strategies 培养学生根据时态的需要,在请假条中过去时和一般现在时的交错使用能力。 Ⅴ. Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector Everyday saying: A true friend is known in the day of adversity. 疾风知劲草,患难知友情。 Ⅵ. Teaching procedures Step Interaction pattern Student activity Teacher activity Introduction (8 minutes) 1. The whole class work 2. The whole class work 3. The whole class work 4. The whole class work 5. The whole class work 6. The whole class work 1. Focus their attention on the teacher. 2. Students sing together. 3. Students show their papers to others. 4. Each student reads his/her homework for the


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