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2016考研英语写作冲刺必背:文化教育词汇及素材   文化类:   1、文化多元化:cultural diversity   2、文化冲突:cultural conflict   3、跨文化交流:cross-cultural communication   4、文化传统:cultural traditions   5、弘扬民族文化:carry forward national culture   6、文化差异性:cultural differences   7、文化全球化:cultural globalization   8、跨文化交流:cross-cultural communication   9、融合交汇:integration and interaction   教育类:   1、培养想象力:nurture imagination   2、丰富某人知识:enrich one’s knowledge   3、开阔视野:widen horizon   4、激发兴趣:inspire/stimulate interest   5、发展/激发潜力:develop/stimulate potential   6、为将来打下坚实的基础:lay a solid foundation for the future   7、对将来的发展有益:benefit future development   8、扩大知识面:expand one’s knowledge   9、学术诚信:academic integrity   10、有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律:with lofty ideals, integrity, knowledge and a strong sense of discipline   11、从学习中获得乐趣:derive pleasure from one’s studies   12、把学习放在第一位:place the study ahead of anything else   必备素材句:   1、在我看来,文化多样性对国家的发展和繁荣至关重要。   In my view, multi-cultures are extremely vital in ensuring a community’s future development and prosperity.   2、经济全球化带来的不仅有机遇,也有严峻的挑战,中国传统文化面临前所未有的冲击。   Economic globalization brings not only opportunities for development but also challenges. Chinese traditional culture is now experiencing unprecedented shock.   3、中国古老的文化是人类文明的伟大财富之一。   The ancient culture of China is one of the great treasures of human civilization.   4、随着世界各国间交流的增多,我们迫切需要学习不同的文化知识。   With increased interaction between the world’s nations, there is a great urgency for us to absorb different cultures.   5、中国传统文化不仅一定可以继续存在下去,而且一定会繁荣发展。   Chinese traditional culture is not only certain to survive, but, in fact, is destined to thrive and prosper.   6、教育对我们的生活至关重要,国家的可持续发展和繁荣昌盛依赖于对年轻一代的教   育和培养。   It goes without saying that education plays an irreplaceable role in our life. The sustainable development and prosperity of a nation depends largely on its cultivation and nourishment of young generation. 2016考研英语写作冲刺必背:经济生活词汇及素材    必备词汇:   1、以经济建设为中心:focusing on the central task of economic construction   2、当地经济发展的支柱:a pillar o



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