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1 of 172 MODU CODE 1998 2 of 172 Preamble 导言 1 This Code has been developed to provide an international standard for mobile offshore drilling units of new construction which will facilitate the international movement and operation of these units and ensure a level of safety for such units, and for personnel on board, equivalent to that required by the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended, and the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, as amended, for conventional ships engaged on international voyages. 1 本规则的制定,是为了给新建海上移动式钻井平台提供一个国际标准,从而使这一规则的实施,将会便利这种平台 在国际间的迁移和作业,并能确保这种平台及平台上人员提供经修订的1974年国际海上人命安全公约和1966年国际 船舶载重线公约对从事国际航行的常规船舶所要求的同等程度的安全。 2 Throughout the development of the Code, it was recognized that it must be based upon sound design and engineering principles and experience gained from operating such units; it was further recognized that design technology of mobile offshore drilling units is not only a complex technology but is rapidly evolving and that the Code should not remain static but be re-evaluated and revised as necessary. To this end the Organization will periodically review the Code, taking into account both experience and future development. 2 在制订本规则的全部过程中,都认识到必须正确的设计和工程原理以及这种平台的操作中所取得的经验为基础;进 一步认识到海上移动式钻井平台的设计技术不仅是复杂的,而且是在迅速发展着的,因此本规则不应固定不变,而应 按需要重新评价和修订。为此,本组织将对本规则定期进行复审,即考虑到经验,也考虑到未来的发展。 3 Any existing unit which complies with the provisions of this Code should be considered eligible for issuance of a certificate in accordance with this Code. 3 凡符合本规则各项规定的现有平台,应被认为有资格取得按本规则签发的证书。 4 The Code is not intended to prohibit the use of an existing unit simply because its design, construction and equipment do not conform to the requirements of this Code. Many existing mobile offshore drilling units have operated successfully and safely for extended periods of time and their operating history should be considered in evaluating their suitability to conduct international operations. 4 对于现有平台,本规则并无仅因其设计、构造和设备不符合本规则的



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