Romantic Cities.doc

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1. The iconic romantic – Venice, Italy浪漫爱之经典——意大利威尼斯 Theres almost nothing more romantic than gliding along the Grand Canal, a gondolier crooning softly and moonlight reflecting off the water. Ornate architecture and Italian charm make Venice just as lovely by day. Stroll the bridges and get lost in hidden alleys. Feeling mysterious? Indulge at a masquerade ball, or at least a stop in one of the many elaborate mask shops. 徜徉在大运河中,倾听船夫的浅吟低唱,遥望水面上月波粼粼,不愧为世间最浪漫的事。白天的威尼斯,华美的建筑、迷人的意大利风情也同样魅力非凡。漫步小桥,迷失于神秘小巷,似乎是一场幻梦?醉情于假面舞会,或者只是驻足停留在琳琅满目的面具商店,妙不可言。 2. The enchanting city – Barcelona, Spain童话迷幻的欧洲之城——西班牙巴塞罗那 This Spanish city is the place to be for romance. Vicky Cristina Barcelona anyone? Spains most enchanting city, Barcelona captivates all who enter. Take it all in with a hot-air balloon ride, the most romantic way to see the sights. 这座西班牙城市简直是为浪漫而生。《午夜巴塞罗那》何人不知?巴塞罗那是西班牙最为迷人的城市,走进这个城市,所有人都为之倾倒。尽情地乘坐热气球吧,用最浪漫的方式将美景尽收眼底! 3. Renaissance romance and vino – Florence, Italy浪漫微醺的灵魂——意大利佛罗伦萨 The entire country oozes amore, but Florence is at the top, providing renaissance romance and endless vino. Gaze on the worlds best artwork, get lost in the citys historic streets, or take a drive through the Tuscan countryside. The Boboli garden bursting with pink roses is one of the most delightful spots for whispering sweet nothings into your lovers ear. 整个意大利都散发出爱的气息,但佛罗伦萨的爱情最为浓郁,这里有文艺复兴的罗曼蒂克,也有喝不完的美酒。欣赏着世界最顶级的艺术作品,迷失在历史悠久的街道,驾车穿梭于托斯卡纳的乡村美景。波波里花园绽放着粉色玫瑰,在这里,情侣间呢喃情话是最赏心悦目的美景。 4. Traditional romance – Kyoto, Japan传统浪漫之都——日本京都 Traditional and elegant, Kyotos bath houses provide a sensual, romantic experience. Once your spa needs are fulfilled, take a day trip to Nara to get in touch with nature, or visit the Kyoto Botanical Gardens, a beautiful place for a stroll. 京都的汤屋集传统与高雅于一身,为您带来浪漫的感官体验。做完SPA后,不妨花一天的时间游览一下奈良,亲近大自然或漫步于漂亮的京都植物园。 5. Bursting with romance – Bruges, Belgium浪漫无极限——比利时布鲁日 Bruges can turn anyone into a romantic. Walk through the streets of gold-topped buildings, curl up in


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