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文献翻译 (2014届本科) 学 院:信息学院 专 业:计算机科学与技术 班 级: 姓 名 学 号 指导教师: 2013年4月 CURRICULUM DESIGN MANAGEMENT SYSTEM HMS is an integrated software for Curriculum designs. The functions of this system covers all the Curriculum design operation functions and issues huge number of management reports that support the Curriculum design managers in control and follow up. HMS is modular software. Its components cover the operation and management needs of the Curriculum design. HMS is installed on one computer or on a network of unlimited number of computers. Workstation operating system is windows xp. Data Server could be Windows xp, NT, 2000 or any network operating system(LINUX/UNIX). HMS offers unlimited number of rooms and unlimited number of outlets. Our Curriculum design Management System allows Curriculum design manager to update certain parts of information provided within our website. HMS Features: Any relational Database Management System (RDBM) like Sql, MySql, Oracle, Access 2003 (The default) … etc. Any Interface Language (English and Chinese interfaces are available) Bills issued in two languages (English in Chinese interface (or vise versa) is available) Web Enabled Better Performance More Functionality very low price Curriculum design Group Reservation - HGR The reservation module has four levels of reservation. The highest level is for Clients (Agents or Tour Operators) to whom the guests belong. In the client level, users specify the client arrival and departure dates, number of rooms, and number of guests (pax). The system assigns reservation number and date that are used by all other levels of reservation. The second level is the level of room type. The users assign different room types along with arrival and departure dates, number of rooms, and number of guests (pax) for each room type. The system automatically assigns available rooms within the period specified for each type. The room rese


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