questions for population.doc

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Questions for Population Ecology 1. A student doing an independent project (Zoo 4905) monitored Daphnia growth in a lake, and based on their performance was able to describe how the per capita growth rate varied as a function of density. Her data are shown below. (a) Given enough time, to what density will the population converge if initiated at the following densities: Final Density N0 = 1 N0 = 3 N0 = 7 N0 = 14 (b) Give a biologically plausible explanation for this hump-shaped function. 2. The following life cycle diagram is based upon a time interval of one year. (5 points) What proportion of individuals in each life stage survive from one year to the next? stages Eggs Small Juveniles Medium Juveniles Large Juveniles Adults livability If there were 100 individuals of each stage on April 1, 2008, how many individuals of each stage should there be one year later (on April 1, 2009)? stages Eggs Small Juveniles Medium Juveniles Large Juveniles Adults number 3. Below are mortality and fecundity data for two populations, each of a different species. x = age (at beginning of age interval)nx = number alive at age xqx = per capita mortality during the age interval from x to x+1 (i.e. fraction that die before reaching next age interval) lx = proportion of organisms surviving from the start of the life table to age x (lx = nx / no) bx = per capita birth rate for individuals in age interval. In class, we mentioned that life tables are often expressed in terms of daughters born per female. In this case, assume that bx is expressed per individual (not per female). (a) Fill in the numbers in the columns lx and nx. (We didn’t specifically discuss lx in lecture, but your book describes lx). Remember that while qx describes mortality from one interval to the next, lx describes the fraction surviving compared to the initial number. (b) For each species, draw the survivorship curve and state whether it exhibits a T


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