Sport England.docx

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Content1 About the report:2 Synopsis3 QuestionsQ1 Using the full spectrum of segmentation variablesQ2 Segment 6 TimQ5 Outline a marketing campaign1About the report:As required by the teacher, we submit this report based on the case ofSport England. We choose the question 1/2/5 to make a rather profound discuss about the segmentation measures taken by the company. And because of the limit of time, the report isn’t very thorough. We hope that after reading our report, our teacher could give us some advice to improve the quality of the report. The report follows directly the order of the questions.2SynopsisSport England, together Experian Business Strategies, has developed 19 sporting segments to help understand British peoples’ attitudes, motivations, preferences, and barriers towards sports.The segmentation provides a valuable look at the top sports that people participate in and ultimately allows groups or government bodies to identify the key characteristics of their target groups for projects and initiatives.3 Questions3.1 Q1 Using the full spectrum of segmentation variables, describe how Sport England has segmented the sports market.After consulting the figures on the internet, and what we have learnt from this class. We define segmentations as follows.Segmentation Variables Demographic segmentation Psychographic segmentation Behavioral segmentation Geographic segmentationDemographic segmentation in details3.1.1 Demographic segmentation in details.Single ,married, unknownHouseholds with childrenno, yesBehavioral segmentationGendermale, femaleAge18-28, 29-42, 43-65, 66+Marital statusSingle ,married, unknownEmployment statusfull-time employee/employer, part-time employee, the unemployed, student, housewife, the retiredHouseholds with childrenno, yes3.1.2 Behavioral segmentationFrom above, we can judge that behavioral segmentation are mainly about sports and other cultural activities. Sports Swimmingfootball Cyclingbaseball Tennisbasketball athletic gym badminton


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