
SR-TG-08 油系统冲洗方案oil flushing-5-8.docx

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1×15MW SEMIRARA COAL FIREDPOWER PLANT PROJECTINSTRUCTIONSFOROIL FLUSHINGCBA0FIRST ISSUEREV.SIGNATUREDATEWRITTENDATECHECKEDDATEAPPROVEDDATEREVISION NO.: 0PAGE: 1 OF 13TITLE:油系统冲洗方案/ Instruction for Oil FlushingFILE NO.:SR-TG-08目录Table of Contents1设备及概况Equipment and Overview12油循环前具备条件Conditions Provided before Oil Circulation13油循环步骤 Oil Circulating Steps44油系统冲洗的清洁度评定 Evaluation of Cleanliness of Flushed Oil System85 后续工作 Evaluation of Cleanliness of Flushed Oil System96安全施工 Safety Construction107 临时系统材料表 Material List of Temporary System111设备及概况Equipment and Overview菲律宾塞米拉拉项目1×15MW机组采用杭州汽轮机厂制造的NK40/56/25型汽轮机,南阳防爆集团股份有限公司生产的QFW-15-4型汽轮发电机,冲洗的范围包括:润滑油系统和部分控制油系统。THE 1X15MW SEMIRARA CFB POWER PLANT PROJECTuses NK40/56/25 steam turbine generators manufactured by HANGZHOU STEAM TURBINE CO., LTD, and QFW-15-4 steam turbine generators manufactured by NANYANG EXPLOSION PROTECTION GROUP CO., LTD. of which the flushing scope includes: lubricating oil system and part of control oil system.2油循环前具备条件Conditions Provided before Oil Circulation1)所有碳钢材料的管道和管件,必须经过酸洗。辅助油箱打磨temperary tank 20 m31) All carbon steel pipes and fittings should be subjected to acid pickling.2)所有不锈钢材料的管道和管件,油循环之前,必须经过严格吹扫(最好蒸汽吹扫),且吹扫后采取特殊措施,用干净的绸布对管道内部进行擦洗。完成后对内壁进行检查。必须没有灰尘,管壁清洁2) All stainless steel pipes and fittings must be purged with compressed air prior to installation and protected by taking special measures after purging, while the inside of them must be cleaned by wiping with clean rag.主油箱的清扫:把油箱内部彻底清扫干净,先用白布,然后再用面团。在油箱底部和回油的处加装磁棒。3) Main tank cleaning: the tank must be thoroughly cleaned inside with a white cloth first and then dough. The bar magnets must be installed at the tank bottom and the scavenge filter screen.在汽机房安装二台 LY-150压力式滤油机(含5000张滤油纸300mm ×300mm),进口接主油箱疏油口一次门门前,出口接在主油箱人孔门上并联在主油箱上。4) A LY-150 pressure oil filter (containing 5000 filter papers, 300mm x300mm) is to be installed at 0m in the turbine generator room with the inlet connected to the main tank in front of the primary door of


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