the introduction of fujian and fuzhou.doc

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福建Brief Introduction Fujian Province (Min for short) is located on the southeast coast of China, with Fuzhou as the provincial capital. Fujian is also the home of many overseas Chinese. Fujian has well-developed agriculture, forestry. Its mild, humid, subtropical and marine climate is especially conducive to crop production. Such as Sugarcane, peanuts, tea, tobacco and rubber are Fujians major cash crops. Orange, longan, lichi, pineapple, loquat and banana are the six famous fruits of Fujian. Fujian is blessed with a rich history, famous historical sites and beautiful natural landscapes, making it a unique tourist attraction. Its numerous tourist attractions include mountains, rivers and well-known cities. Quanzhou, one of Chinas famous historic and cultural ancient cities, is a human and scenic spot approved by the UNESCO; Xiamen, known as the Garden on the Sea, is a picturesque special economic zone; Wuyi Mountain, inscribed on the World Heritage List, is famous for its peaks and Wuyi tea; the Kaiyuan Temple in Quanzhou, the Yongquan Temple in Fuzhou, the Guanghua Temple in Putian and the Nanshan Temple in Zhangzhou are the four famous grand ancient temples in Fujian. In addition, there are historical relics left behind by Zhu Xi and Zheng Chenggong. Geography Fujian Province on the southeastern coast faces Taiwan Province across the Taiwan Straits. It is situated 11550-12047 east longitude and 2330-2819 north latitude with an area of more than 120,000 square kilometers. Mountains and hills make up the vast majority of Fujians territory, while only narrow strips of the east seaside are plains. Fujian has a zigzagadj. 曲折的;锯齿形的;之字形的coastline of 2,120 kilometers dotted with 1,202 offshore islands, with a fishing area of 136,000 square kilometers. Most of its rivers empty into the sea separately. Climate Fujian has a sub-tropical climate, warm and humid, with no distinctive 显著的difference between seasons. It has a mean annual temperature of 17oC-21oC, and a mean annua


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