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毕业设计外文翻译 学院名称: 计算机科学与通信工程学院 专业班级: 物联网1101班 学 号: 3110611010 指导老师: 王昌达 学生姓名: 胡华明 2015年 3月21日 Roadmap to an IP Stack in TinyOS contents 1?Abstract 2?IP Requirements and Mechanisms 2.1?IPv6 Routing 2.2?Addressing 2.2.1?Unicast Addressing 2.2.2?Multicast Addressing 2.2.3?Anycast Addressing 2.3?IPv6 Configuration Mechanisms IPv6 2.4?Extension Mechanisms 3?The State of the Standards 3.1?Header Compression 3.2?MTU 3.3?Autoconfiguration 3.4?Routing 4?The TinyOS Way 5?Conclusion Abstract Recently, there has been renewed interest in the applicability of Internet Protocol-based networking for low power, embedded devices. This interest is being driven by several sources. One, emerging standards from the IETF are beginning to make it possible to design efficient, compatible implementations of IP for this class of resource-constrained device. Two, there has been an emergence of a significant number of both open and closed IP embedded IP stacks which demonstrate the applicability of this model of networking. Third, a set of recent academic papers have made the case that this network architecture is a significant research enabler and shown in more detail the structure of a full stack. In this TEP, we briefly explain how IP mechanisms map onto the well-studied problems of the sensor network community like collection routing and local aggregation. Next, we discuss the current state of the standards. Finally, we propose a path for the adoption of IP within TinyOS. IP Requirements and Mechanisms There are two versions of IP: IPv4 (RFCXXX) and IPv6 (RFCXXX). Previous studies have indicated that IPv6 is more applicable to the low-power, embedded space then IPv4 for various reasons; most standardization efforts have focused on adapting IPv6 to these


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