【双语阅读】哈佛新专业 原来工程也可以很美.doc

【双语阅读】哈佛新专业 原来工程也可以很美.doc

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【双语阅读】哈佛新专业 原来工程也可以很美 Harvard has a new graduate degree program. The Graduate School of Design(GSD) and John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) are collaborating to offer a master’s in design engineering (MDE). The two-year program, announced today, was developed and will be jointly taught by faculty from both Schools. It is designed to give students the skills and knowledge to take a collaborative, innovative approach to problems that are large, technically deep, complex, multiscale, and open-ended. The curriculum will bridge quantitative, computational, visual, and aesthetic thinking, and will encompass engineering and design as well as economics, business, government regulation and policy, and sociology. Applications are being accepted now for the initial cohort of students to start next fall. In a joint interview with the Gazette, Mohsen Mostafavi, dean and Alexander and Victoria Wiley Professor of Design at GSD, and Francis J. Doyle III, the John A. Paulson Dean and John A. and Elizabeth S. Armstrong Professor of Engineering and Applied Sciences at SEAS, discussed the origins and goals of the new program. 哈 佛下学年启动“设计工程”研究生专业,为两年制专业。该专业由设计研究院与工程与应用科学研究院开办,学生将由两个学院教职员工共同培养。此专业的开办宗 旨是教给学生创新思维、合作能力,以新方式解决高精尖技术难题。两学院希望通过合作,融信息技术、视觉效果、美学思维、数学思维为一体,打破技术、设计、 经济、商务、政府管理与政策、社会学等学科之间存在的学科隔阂,培养复合型人才。此门课如今已对外开放申请,第一批学生将于明年秋季入学。 Gazette邀请到了上述两个学院院长,设计研究院Mostafavi教授,和工程与应用科学研究院Doyle教授,与我们谈谈他们对于新专业的看法与期望。 GAZETTE: How did the program come about? Gazette:当时是怎么想到要开办这样一个项目呢? MOSTAFAVI: This program actually originated six or seven years ago as a lunchtime series called “Now?” that convened people from across Harvard who were doing interesting work. The idea behind 揘ow??was to host spirited conversations that were not about dwelling on the past or predicting the future, but rather about sharing knowledge about the compelling current work that is propelling society forward


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