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1、5 + -6 = ? A、1 B、-1 C、11 D、-11 Answer:B 2、The Dangrek Range is found in the sourthern part of which country? A、Myanmar B、Vietnam C、Cambodia D、Thailand Answer:D 3、Who created the C++ programming language? A、Bjarne Stroustrup B、Bill Gates C、John Backus D、Niklaus Wirth Answer:A 4、What year was Google founded? A、1995 B、1998 C、2000 D、2003 Answer:B 5、The simplest structures considered to be alive are A、tissues. B、organisms. C、organelles. D、cells. Answer:D 6、How long did the Hundred Years War last? A、90 years B、99 years C、100 years D、116 years Answer:D 7、Enzymes help in A、respiration B、digestion C、immune system D、reproduction Answer:B 8、According to the Periodic Table, what is the symbol for Sodium? A、So B、Su C、Na D、Nu Answer:C 9、How many hearts does an octopus have? A、2 B、3 C、4 D、6 Answer:B 10、How many games did Nintendo limit for third-party publishers to produce on the NES(Famicon) per year? A、3 B、5 C、25 D、100 Answer:B 11、Mageiricophobia is the fear of A、carpet. B、cooking. C、magic. D、reading. Answer:B 12、Who was the first country music artist to sell over 10 million copies of an album? A、Garth Brooks B、Kenny Chesney C、George Strait D、Randy Travis Answer:A 13、Which of the following is a scent gland? A、Merocrine gland B、Eccrine gland C、Apocrine gland D、Sebaceous gland Answer:C 14、The flag of which country has the Star of David? A、USA B、Iraq C、Israel D、Nepal Answer:C 15、Which is the national flower of Ireland? A、Shamrock B、Daffodil C、Marigold D、Jasmine Answer:A 16、The color of light is determinded by its A、amplitude. B、velocity. C、speed. D、wavelength. Answer:D 17、What is the greatest common factor of 6 and 12? A、2 B、3 C、4 D、6 Answer:D 18、In the sitcom Threes Company, what is Jack Trippers profession? A、Chef B、Writer C、Actor D、Teacher Answer:A 19、Which instrument is not a member of the woodwind family? A、Bassoon B、Clarinet C、Saxaphone D、Trumpet Answer:D 20、Who was the top-selling album artist of the 1970s? A、Cher B、Diana Ross C、Elton John D、Neil Diamond


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