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1b Listening No. I haven’t cleaned out the refrigerator yet. 2. I’ve already put it in the garage. 3. But I haven’t locked the garage yet. 4. I’ve already done most of my jobs. 5. Not yet. I’ll do it in a minute. 6. Yes, I have. Have you fed the cat yet? ___ What about your bike? ___ Are you ready, Tina? ___ Have you turned off your radio? ___ Grammar 现在完成时的用法 现在完成时表示过去某时发生的行为对主语目前产生的影响。即用过去发生的某个行为来说明现在的某种情况。 We are good friends. (现在的情况) I knew him in 1997.(过去的动作) We have known each other since 1997. (现在完成时把过去的动作和现在联系起来并着眼于现在) She has been to Beijing. (现在已不在北京,从结果上和现在联系起来) She has been in Beijing for two years. (现在仍在北京,从时间上和现在联系起来) 现在完成时的三种基本用法: 1、未完成用法。表示动作或状态开始于过去,一直延续到现在,可能继续发展,也可能刚刚结束。 He has been in the army for ten years. I have studied English since 1980. He has lived here all his life. a. be, live, study 都是延续性动词。 b.常用的时间状语: since…, for…, in the past few years, so far, all his life. 2、反复性用法,表示过去到现在这段时间内反复发生的动作。 I have been to the city twice this week. I have often wondered where she gets her money all these days. 这种用法从时间上与现在发生了联系。 3、完成性用法,表示动作或状态到说话时已经完成,通常所产生的结果把过去的动作和状态和现在联系起来。 He has gone to Shanghai. 他已经去了上海。 (结果:他已不在这儿) Can you make sure ___ the gold ring? A. where Alice had put B. where had Alice put C. where Alice has put D. where has Alice put 使用现在完成时表示过去发生的“放”的动作对现在的影响,究竟金戒指现在“在哪里”。  When I was at college I ___ three foreign languages, but I ___ all except a few words of each. A. spoke; had forgotten B. spoke; have forgotten C. had spoken; had forgotten D. had spoken; have forgotten “但都忘了”是现在的情况,要用现 在完成时,强调结果。 --I’m sorry to keep you waiting. --Oh, not at all. I ___ here only a few minutes. A. have been B. had been C. was D. will be “(for) only a few minutes”说明几分钟前来了这里,一直到现在。 ---___ the sports meet might be put off. ---Yes, it all depends on the weat


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