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* * * * * * * * * * NOTES How much of the ball velocity achieved by a top tennis player during the serve is due to the power generated in the legs? (发球时下肢产生的力量大小决定了顶级网球运动员发球的球速。) Is the serve power all in the upper body?(难道发球的力量完全在上半身吗?) * * NOTES Not at all! (完全不是。) Research has demonstrated that more than half of the ball velocity originates with power from the legs! Problems in technique often start with the legs and torso, where the athlete is not strong or stable enough to effectively use these segments in the correctly timed dynamic sequence. (研究表明,大多数的球速取决于腿部发出的力。那些下肢和躯干不够强壮或稳定性差的运动员,往往不能有效的将力在正确的时间内按照力学顺序传递到其他部位,这就是他们技术方面出现的问题。 * * * * * NOTES Kicking is basically just “throwing” the ball with the toes. So, the idea of achieving hip and torso rotation to transfer the ground reaction force from the ground up through the plant leg and out the other leg through the ball is the same.踢足球不过是用脚趾来“投”,运动员通过髋部和躯干的旋转将支撑腿获得的地面应力传输到另一条腿。 * * * * * * * * * NOTES The core musculature can be though of as a cyclinder. This dynamic cyclinder is made up of numerous muscles working in a coordinated manner. One of the keys to understanding core stability is the fact that those muscles we can see are far from the only important muscles for achieving a stable, powerful torso. The closed kinetic chain and unstable conditions created by SET exercises are idea for activating all of these invisible, but critical muscles and achieving improved neuromuscular control.( 可以把核心看成这样的一个圆柱体。这个动力学圆柱体由大量协调工作的的肌肉组成。我们理解核心平衡力的要点之一就是我们看到的这些肌肉,而远非成就稳定而有力的某一部分主要肌肉。激活这些看不见的临界肌肉和提高神经肌肉控制能力的方法是由set训练来创造闭合动力学链和不稳定的状态。 * * * * 关键的因素: 骨性结构、肌肉量、脂肪组织、结缔组织 很重要的一点——损伤史 柔韧性有很大的个体差异性; 可训练的程度也有很大的个体差异。 三、发展柔韧性的注意事项 发展柔韧性必须注意专项特点,不同的运动项目对柔韧性的要求不同。 一般情况下,关节的活动范围大好,但并不是越大越好。 在训练过程中要注意柔软素质的均衡发展,还要注意特殊需要。 关节内或关节周围组织有炎症 新近发生的骨折 新近发生的肌肉、韧带损伤,组织内有血肿或有其他创伤体征存在 神经损伤或肌肉被拉长时巨痛 严重的骨质疏松 NO INJURY!! NO PAIN !! 发展柔韧素质的方法 静力牵拉(Static stretching ) 震荡牵拉(Ballistic) 动态拉伸(Dynamic) 本体感受神经肌肉促进法即PNF牵张法(Proprioceptive Neur


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