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全新版第二版综合B2U5-E Part I Listening Comprehension ( 11 minutes ) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear ten statements. Numbers 1 to 6 are based on Text A while the rest are based on Text B. Each statement will be read ONLY ONCE. Listen carefully and decide whether each statement is true or false. 1. A) T B) F Script: The pole was set as high as Michael Stones personal best record.正确答案: B 2. A) T B) F Script: The pole vault competition is not important in the track and field competition.正确答案: B 3. A) T B) F Script: Coaches always dreamed of athletes dedication, determination and discipline. Michael was a good example in this aspect.正确答案: A 4. A) T B) F Script: When Michael felt nervous even afraid facing the height, his mothers words echoed in his mind and worked.正确答案: A 5. A) T B) F Script: Michael didnt even think of winning the first place, as he thought that winning second place was not shameful.正确答案: B 6. A) T B) F Script: Michaels life would be different, only as he won the National Junior Olympics and set a new record and won the medias attention and sponsorship.正确答案: B 7. A) T B) F Script: Though the author kept climbing the fourteen steps and behaved optimistic, he was disillusioned and frustrated in deeper heart.正确答案: A 8. A) T B) F Script: When the tire of the car was burst, a motorist passing by helped him to change the tire.正确答案: B 9. A) T B) F Script: During the whole process of changing tire, while the author sat clean and dry inside, he felt sorry and thankful for the old man and little girl.正确答案: B 10. A) T B) F Script: Knowing that the old man was blind, the author felt ashamed of himself and realized his own shortcomings of character.正确答案: A Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time



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