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小学二年级上 Unit1 My age 句型 Can I help you? Yes, I’m old. You are young. Thank you. How old are you? I’m seven. 单词及词组 jump, come in. All right. old, play, OK, come in, know 本单元总结及练习巩固 Unit2 Coming to school 句型 I can see a car. What can you see? How do you come to school? I come to school by school bus. 单词 bus, bike, car, taxi, minibus, school bus, walk, by, to等表示交通工具的词 本单元总结及练习巩固 Unit3 In my school bag 句型 What’s in your school bag? There’s a cup. There are four stickers! I like the bike. Here you are! 单词 cup, sticker, drink, towel, there is/are, very much等 本单元总结及练习巩固 Unit4 In my classroom 句型 Look at the board. How many fans are there? There are three fans. What can you see at school? What’s the answer, Jack? 单词 数字10-20;how many等 本单元总结及练习巩固 Unit5 Revision units1-4总结及练习巩固 Unit6 Shopping 句型 There’s an ice cream. It’s five yuan. May I have six pears, please? Yes, here you are. Twelve yuan, please. Well done! 单词 hot dog, pizza, cake, coke, ice cream, yuan, may, well done一些表示食品的单词; 本单元总结及练习巩固 Unit7My mother and father 句型 This is my mother, she’s a clerk. I love my father. 单词 father, mother, clerk, driver, teacher, doctor, he, she, about等表示职位的单词 本单元总结及练习巩固 Unit8 My family 句型 This is my sister. He has short hair. He’s thin. 单词 sister, brother, cousin, aunt等表示家庭成员的单词 本单元总结及练习巩固 Unit9 A birthday party 句型 He is happy. Happy birthday,Tim!I like your party. Jack has a birthday party.He has a present. 单词 happy,pretty,candle,ribbon,card,present, birthday,party,friend,buy.等 本单元总结及练习巩固 Unit10 Revision Units1-10总结及练习巩固 小学二年级下 Unit 1 My school 句型 There’s a/an .. Welcome to school! Is there a/an ..?Yes,there is/No,there isn’t. 词组及短语 classroom,computer room, library, hall,playground,music room,art roomhave a look,cool有关学校设施的名词 本单元总结及练习巩固 Unit 2 At school 学会询问他人在某地做什么 句型: Let’s paint/play/study/line up/eat/drink/ What do you do in the …?We.. 短语及词组 Study.paint.well.eat,line up,dining hall,eat,drink,do,we,at school,well等表示在学校所做活动的单词及词组 ea发音/i:/ cream,seat,read,eat 本单元总结及练习巩固 Unit


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