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CNN广播电台专题栏目介绍 Top Stories 新闻热点 A digest of the days top stories updated every 30 minutes, 24 hours a day. 一天热点新闻摘要,全天播报,每半小时更新一次。 Sports Watch 体育新闻 Hourly updates of the days top sports stories and scores from 6 a.m.-12 p.m. EST and 4-9 p.m. EST. 播报一天重要体育新闻,分别在上午6点到12点和下午4点到9点每小时更新播报一次。 该专题主要播报在一天中的重要赛事和比分,是学习了解体育英语的极好资料来源。 Celebrity Watch 名人追踪 Entertainment news about stars, musicians, and everyone from TV, film and more, with host Ken Pauli. 主持人Ken Pauli为你播报关于明星、音乐人、电视电影人等方面的娱乐新闻。 Business Update 商业新闻快递 One-minute, comprehensive business updates 14 times a day. 一分钟综合商业新闻,一天更新播报十四次。 CNN Lookout CNN展望 Radio talk-show host Paula Gordon offers lively discussions with interesting people with ideas changing the world and creating the future. 该专题以脱口秀形式,由主持人Paula Gordon与那些改变世界创造未来的热点人物进行现场谈论。 Computer Connection 互联时代 The latest information on computer technology and software including games, with host David Hull. 播报最新的电脑技术与软件动向其中包括电脑游戏。主持人是David Hull。 The Gallup Report 盖洛普民意调查 Get the publics opinion straight from the nations most trusted poll, the Gallup Poll. Gallup Poll Editor-in-Chief Dr. Frank Newport is host and covers topics ranging from politics to business and lifestyle issues. 直接从国民最信赖的盖洛普调查中获取民意信息。盖洛普民意调查主编Frank Newport博士为本专题主持人,涉及话题包括从政治到商业到生活等方面上的问题。 Health Watch 卫生观察 Learn about the latest medical technology studies, plus nutrition and exercise tips. 了解最新的医疗技术与研究,提供滋养、锻炼方面的知识。 Earth Matters 我们的地球 Ways people are improving the earth through conservation, with host Natalie Pawelski, a CNN Environmental correspondent. 通过各种途径保护地球,由CNN特派环境通信员Natalie Pawelski主持本节目。 Travel Guide 旅游导航 Travel tips and great places to visit, with Kalin Thomas-Samuel, from CNNs Travel Unit. 提供旅游信息和介绍旅游景点。主持人为Kalin Thomas-Samuel,来自CNN旅游部门。 Journey To Wellness 健康之路 Produced in conjunction with a grant from the United States National Institutes of Health and made available through CNN Radio. Host Dr. Mary Harris finds ways


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