高中英语 Module 1 Life in the future 第1课时 Introduction同步练习 外研版必修4高中英语 Module 1 Life in the future 第1课时 Introduction同步练习 外研版必修4.doc

高中英语 Module 1 Life in the future 第1课时 Introduction同步练习 外研版必修4高中英语 Module 1 Life in the future 第1课时 Introduction同步练习 外研版必修4.doc

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高中英语 Module 1 Life in the future 第1课时 Introduction同步练习 外研版必修4高中英语 Module 1 Life in the future 第1课时 Introduction同步练习 外研版必修4

Module1 第1课时 Introduction Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.Not many people agree with the governments________(预测)that the economy will improve. 2.Scientists are trying to find out what advantage should be taken of the natural________(资源)in this area. 3.The price of the bike will partly be determined by the sort of________(材料)used. 4.It is not I but Mr. Green who is in________(负责)of the company. 5.Two bags which should have gone to Hongkong were at this moment being________(装载)aboard a flight to Guangzhou. 答案:1.prediction 2.resources 3.material 4.charge 5.loaded Ⅱ.单项填空 1.I prefer________at home to________outside. A.staying; playing   B.to stay; play C.staying; paly D.to stay; playing 答案:A “宁愿做……而不愿做……”可表达为prefer doing... to doing...或prefer to do...rather than do...或would rather do...than do... 2.—I dont feel like going out. Why dont we watch TV at home? —________. You promised to take me out for dinner. A.Come on! B.Really? C.Not at all D.Why not? 答案:A 根据答语“你原来答应带我出去吃晚饭。”可知:说话人对于对方的“言而无信”感到不耐烦。 Come on!在此表示不耐烦的情绪,译作“得了吧”。 3.The gentleman________over there is our headmaster. A.stood B.stands C.is standing D.standing 答案:D 现在分词短语作后置定语,表示进行时态或一般状态。如:the man who is talking over there=the man talking over there用作主语的定语从句的引导词不可省略,因而不选C项。 4.The ground is________with________leaves. A.covering, falling B.covered, falling C.covered, fallen D.covering, fallen 答案:C “be covered with/by...”结构,表示“被……覆盖着”。不及物动词的过去分词表示动作已经完成;fallen leaves意为“落叶”。 5.We are all________to see that child________. A.pleasing, smiled B.pleased, smiled C.pleasing, smiling D.pleased, smiling 答案:D “be pleased/glad to do sth.”结构,表示“高兴做某事”。“see sb. doing sth.”表示“看见某人在做某事”。 6.________bird flu outbreak has killed 545 chickens and ducks in________central China and led authorities to destroy 2,487 others. A.The; the B.The; 不填 C.A; the D.A; 不填 答案:D 一场禽流感,到底是哪一场,不是太清楚,所以用不定冠词。另外,“中国的中部”,中心词是“中国”,不加冠词。 7.Bajin, for________experiences were dangerous and unforgettable, was an old man always telling the truth. A.whom B.whose C.that


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