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高一年级九月份第一次测试 一、 单词拼写(10分) 1. When learning English, it is quite important to develop the ability of____________ (交际). 2. Failing in the examination again ___________ (心烦意乱) her a lot. 3. Those who are in difficult s___________ usually work harder to get out of it. 4. As an e__________ of the newspaper, I should be responsible for what is printed in it. 5. He was punished by the school because of his c____________ in the exam. 6. Many t__________ are so crazy about football that they get up to watch football games at midnight. 7. My English is very friendly to us. She often gives us some a_________ on learning English. 8. It’s quite n_________ for a person to refuse the offer of help from strangers. 9. What is the r_________ for your absence of yesterday’s meeting? 10. Dancing with the rich in the party, he had a f_________ of being laughed at. 二、单项选择 (共20小题,每题1.5分,满分30分。) 从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项,涂在答题卡的相应位置。 11. Your friend asks to borrow your favourite camera. A. 主+谓语+宾语 B. 主语+系动词+表语 C. 主语+谓语+宾语+宾语 D. 主语+谓语 12. I want this diary itself to be my friend. A. 主语+系动词+表语 B. 主语+谓语+宾语 C. 主语+谓语+宾语+宾语 D. 主语+谓语+宾语+补足语 13. What she really missed was going outdoors and walking the dog for her neighbour. A. 主语+系动词+表语 B. 主语+谓语 C. 主语+谓语+宾语 D. 主语+谓语+宾语+补足语 14. At last the parents had their son _____ . A. saved B. saving C. has saved D. has been saved 15. She found it difficult to settle and calm down in the hiding place. A. 主语+谓语+宾语 B. 主语+谓语+宾语+补足语 C. 主语+谓语+宾语+宾语 D. 主语+谓语 16. Do you mind _____ the window? A. I opening B. my open C. my opening D. I open 17. You _____ read in the sun. It’s bad for your eyes. A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. can’t D. may not 18. Although the medicine tastes __________, it will help you recover from your illness. A. poorly B. unwell C. bad D. badly 19. It’s the fourth time that you __________ late this month. A. had arrived B. arrived C. arrive D. have arrived 20. The dog seemed very quiet, but I still


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