高中英语 module1 British and American English教案 外研版必修5高中英语 module1 British and American English教案 外研版必修5.doc

高中英语 module1 British and American English教案 外研版必修5高中英语 module1 British and American English教案 外研版必修5.doc

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高中英语 module1 British and American English教案 外研版必修5高中英语 module1 British and American English教案 外研版必修5

Module 1 British and American English Period One Step 1. Lead-in 1. Do you like travelling? Have you ever been to the other countries? What do you know about Britain\American? (Ask students to speak out as many as they can) 2. What’s the difference between the UK and the USA?(The teacher can show the Ss some picture.) (Ask the Ss to write down the differences and check with their partner) Step 2. Warming-up (Introduction) Read two English letters and decide which is written by an American. Comprehend quotations about the differences. Step 3. Fast reading 1. Help students to grasp the main idea of the text by doing the task. 2. Read the titles and the first sentences of each paragraph and find four ways in which British and American English are different. Step 4. Reading for detailed information Read para.1 and fill in the form.(The form is on the next page) Do some true or false questions and check some detailed information (1)There’re a lot of difference in grammar between British and American English. (2) Spelling is the first and most obvious difference between the two. (3) British people say ”write me” and ”on the team”. (4 There’s not much variation in language within the country. (5) Television and Internet have made it easier for the British and Americans to understand each other. (6) In the future, there’ll be only one kind of English. 3. Beautiful sentences: to learn some important structures Step 5. Practise fill in the blanks with some key words There’re four ways in which British and American English ________ from each other. The first and most ________ way is in the vocabulary. In grammar there’re a few __________. The British say Have you got…? ______Americans prefer Do you have…? The British use prepositions ______ Americans sometimes ______them. The other two areas in which the two _________ are different are spelling and pronunciation. But for more than a century communications have developed _______.Thanks to satellite TV and the Internet, it h


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