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2013-2014学年高二英语期末复习资料 命题人:高二英语科组 Book5Unit 1 Unit 2 Step 1 单词拼写 1. The Prime Minister has a________ on TV that public spending will be increased next year. 2. The only thing we can do when we are faced with the ________________ (挑战) is to prepare for everything. 3. They were highly d_______________ at the news that their class won the first prize. 4. ________________ (安排) for the trip have now been completed. 5. The manager announced with c__________ (确信、肯定) that the project will be completed before the end of the year. 6. We are going to have a party in Michael’s house. Please come at your c__________ (方便). 7. To experience the classical Western a__________(建筑艺术), you will have to visit the spectacular churches and cathedrals in Europe. 8. There are four kids in the room, therefore, Mary d____________ the orange into four pieces and hands them to those kids one by one. 9. The school is under ____________(construct). 10. He gave us a detailed ______________(describe) of his trip to the UK. 11. He did a lot of ___________(science) research. 12. Mao Zedong took part in ___________(revolution) movements at his early age. 13. Be ___________(caution) when you cross the street. 14. The teacher had us d ______________into two groups during the discussion. 15. This is a cooperative team c____________ of 12 members. 16. My grandfather is too old to care for himself, so my aunt is looking for someone to a________________ him. 17. She doesn’t want to marry a man who a_____________ nothing. 18. The manager __________ (拒绝) our application. 19. Some people like to lie on the beach, but I prefer _________.(游览观光) 20. If he had not _______________ (预见) the disaster, no one would be alive now. Step 2 词形转换 1. They plan to perform a _________ (science) experiment. 2. Many beautiful fish are fast disappearing because of the severe _________ (pollute). 3. I’ve got an important __________ (announce) to make. 4. His ________ (analyse) of the problem showed



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