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M6 U5 diagram /da??gr?m/ ( diagrams ) N-COUNT A diagram is a simple drawing which consists mainly of lines and is used, for example, to explain how a machine works. 示意图 例:...a circuit diagram. …电路图。 volcano /vlke?no? / ( volcanoes ) N-COUNT A volcano is a mountain from which hot melted rock, gas, steam, and ash from inside the earth sometimes burst. 火山 例:The volcano erupted last year killing about 600 people. 去年那座火山喷发导致大约六百人丧生。 volcanic /vlk?n?k/ ADJ Volcanic means coming from or created by volcanoes. 火山的 例:Over 200 people have been killed by volcanic eruptions. 已有两百多人死于火山喷发。 volcanology [,vlk?n?l?d??] n. [地质] 火山学例:In this paper, advances in volcanology are reviewed from the following aspects: volcanic geology and dynamics, statistical study, volcanic hazard and volcanic impact on global climate. 从火山学和火山动力学、统计研究、火山灾害以及火山活动对全球气候变化的影响回顾了近年火山学研究的主要进展。 volcanologist [,v?lk?n?l?d?ist] n. 火山学家 例:The fineness of the ash in this case is unusual, says Thorvaldur Thordarson, an Icelandic volcanologist. 冰岛的火山学家托瓦杜?托达森表示,这次岛山冰川产生的火山灰的细腻程度是十分不寻常的。 例:The region may be primed for future eruptions, the lead author, John Pallister, a volcanologist at the US Geological Survey Cascades Volcano Observatory, in Vancouver, Washington, told Nature. “该地区未来可能发生火山爆发,”论文的第一作者、美国地质调查局Cascades火山观测站的火山学家John Pallister告诉《自然》杂志。 erupt /?r?pt/ ( erupts, erupting, erupted,to erupt ) 1. V-I When a volcano erupts, it throws out a lot of hot, melted rock called lava, as well as ash and steam. 喷发 例:The volcano erupted in 1980, devastating a large area of Washington state. 这座火山1980年喷发,摧毁了华盛顿州的大片地区。 eruptionN-VAR喷发 例:...the volcanic eruption of Tambora in 1815. …1815年坦布拉火山的喷发。 2. V-IIf violence or fighting erupts, it suddenly begins or gets worse in an unexpected, violent way. 爆发[JOURNALISM] 例:Heavy fighting erupted there today after a two-day cease-fire. 激烈的战斗在两天的停火之后今天在那里爆发了。 eruptionN-COUNT爆发 例:...this sudden eruption of violence. …这起暴力事件的突然爆发。 3. V-IWhen people in a place suddenly become angry or


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