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八年级 下册(完整版) Unit 1 will  [wil, w?l,]  将、会、要 robot [r?ub?t] n.机器人 wont=will not theyll=they will everything [\evriθi?] pron.每件事物 paper [peip?] n.纸;纸张 fewer [fju:?] adj.(few的比较级)较少的;较少数 pollution [p?lu??n] n.污染 tree [tri:] n.树;树木 shell=she will building [bildi?] n.建筑物;房屋 astronaut [?str?n?:t] n.宇航员,航天员 rocket [r?kit] n.火箭 space [speis] n.空间;太空 space station 空间站 fly [flai] v.飞行 took [t?k] v.take的过去式 moon [mu:n] n.月亮;月球 Ill = I will fall [f?:l] v.落下;跌落;变为 fell [fel] v.fall的过去式 fall in love with 爱上 alone [?l?un] adv.单独地;孤独地 pet [pet] n.宠物 parrot [p?r?t] n.鹦鹉 go skating去滑冰 suit [sju:t] n.一套衣服 able [eibl] 能、能够 be able to 有能力做某事、会做某事 dress [dres] v.穿衣 casually [k??j??l?] adv.非正式地;随意地 which [hwit?,w?t?] pron.哪个;哪几个 even [i:v?n] adv.甚至 The World [w?:ld] Cup 世界杯 wrote [r??t] v.write的过去式 myself [maiself] pron.(反身代词)我自己;我本人 interview [int?vju:] n.面试;面谈 predict [pridikt] v.预报;预言 prediction [pr?d?k??n] n.预言;预测 came [ke?m] e的过去式 come true 实现;达到 sound [saund] n.声音 company [k?mp?ni] n.公司 Thought [θ?:t] v.think的过去式 strategy [str?tid?i] 策略、战略 fiction [fik??n] n.小说 unpleasant [?nplez?nt] adj.使人不愉快的 scientist [sai?ntist] n.科学家 in the future [fju:t??] 未来、将来 hundred [h?ndr?d] n.一百 hundreds of 大量、许多 have得(病)、患(病) already [?:lredi] adv.早已;先前 made v.make的过去式 factory [f?kt?ri,f?ktri] n.工厂 simple [simpl] adj.简单的;简易的 such [s?t?] adj.这样的;这种 bored [b?:d] adj.厌烦的;厌倦的 everywhere [evrihw??] adv.各地;到处 human [hju:m?n] n.人;人类 huge [hju:d?] n.巨大的;极大的 shape [?eip] n.外形;形状 earthquake [?:θkweik] n.地震 snake [sneik] n.蛇 possible [p?s?bl] adj.可能的 electric [Ilektrik] adj.电的;导电的 toothbrush [tu:θbr??] n.牙刷 seem v.像是;似乎 impossible [imp?s?bl] adj.不可能的;不会发生的 housework [hausw?:k] n.家务;家务事 rating [reiti?] n.级别;等级 UNIT 2 keep out 不让……进入 play v.播放 argue [ɑ:ɡju:] v.争论;争吵 wrong [r??] adj.错误的;有毛病的;不合适的 Whats wrong?  怎么了? style [stail] n.风格、款式、式样 out of style 不时髦的,过时的


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