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《交直流调速系统》课程设计说明书 十机架连轧机直流调速系统的课程设计 系 、 部: 电气与信息工程学院 学生姓名: 汪一平 指导教师: 李建军 职称 教授 专 业: 自动化 班 级: 自本1103班 完成时间: 2014年11月10日 摘 要 在冶金工业中,轧制过程是金属压力加工的一个主要工艺过程,连轧是一种可以提高劳动生产率和轧制质量的先进方法,连轧机则是冶金行业的大型设备。其主要特点是被扎金属同时处于若干机架之中,并沿着同一方向进行轧制,最终形成一定的断面形状。每个机架的上下轧辊共用一台电机实行集中拖动,不同机架采用不同电机实行部分传动,各机架轧辊之间的速度实现协调控制。 直流电动机具有良好的起、制动性能,宜于在大范围内平滑调速,而直流调速系统又分为开环调速、单闭环调速和双闭环调速等调速方式。其中开环调速的静差率不高,且只能实现一定范围内的无极调速;而在单闭环调速系统中只有电流截止负反馈环节时专门用来控制电流的,它不能很理想的控制电流的动态波形,但双闭环控制可解决以上的所有问了题,故本系统采用双闭环调速系统。 关键词:连轧;直流电动机;调速方式;双闭环调速系统 ABSTRACT In the metallurgical industry, rolling process is one of the main metal pressure processing process, and rolling is a kind of advanced method can improve the labor productivity and the quality of rolling, rolling mill is the large metallurgical equipment.By its main characteristic is at the same time a number of metal frame, and the rolling along the same direction, eventually forming a certain section shape.Each frame of the upper and lower roll Shared centrally by an electric motor drive, different frame part adopts different motor drive, realize coordinated control between each frame roll speed. Dc motor has good starting and brake performance, adaptable to smooth speed regulation in large scale, and dc speed regulating system is divided into open loop control of motor speed, the single closed-loop speed control and speed regulation and double closed loop speed control methods.One of the open loop speed control static rate is not high, and can achieve a certain range of wuji speed;In the single closed-loop speed control system only when the current cut-off negative feedback link is dedicated to the control current, it cant ideal control current dynamic waveform, but double closed loop control can solve above all ask the questions, this system adopts double closed loop speed regulation system. Key words: rolling;Dc motor.Speed


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