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3.1.1 将单词分译成汉语的句子 1. She was pardonably proud of her wonderful cooking. 她可以谅解地为自己高超的烹调技艺感到自豪。 她自夸她高超的烹调技艺,这是有情可原的。 2. The ancients tried unsuccessfully to explain how a rainbow is formed. 古人曾试图说明虹是怎样产生的,但没有成功。 3. Chairman Mao might have spoken with understandable pride of his policy of “self-reliance.” 毛主席在谈到他的“自力更生”的政策时,也许有些自豪感,这是可以理解的。 4. He shook his head and his eyes were wide, then narrowed in indignation. 他摇了摇头,两目睁得圆圆的,接着又眯成一条线,脸上露出了愤怒的神色。 3.1.2 将词组或短语译成汉语的句子 1.I wrote four books in the first three years, a record never touched before. 我头三年写了四本书,打破了以往的记录。 2. I’m surprised to learn that he lost the game. 我惊奇地获悉他在比赛中失利了。 我听说他在比赛中失利了,感到十分意外。 3. Men are too clever to let themselves be cheated by fashion designers. 男人们很聪明,他们不会上时装设计师的当。 4. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, a universally accepted law. 能量既不能被创造也不能被消灭,这是一条普遍公认的规律。 5. Their power increased with their number. 他们人数增加了,力量也随之增强。 3.1.3 将分句译成句子 1. On behalf of all of your American guests, I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world. 我谨代表所有美国客人向你们表示感谢,感谢你们的无可比拟的盛情款待,中国人民以这种盛情款待而闻名世界。 2. He just stood there with his arms folded when he might have given me a hand. 他本可以帮我一把,却偏偏只是站在那儿袖手旁观。 3. Basic education is the key area where according to a study of 30 countries by an outstanding economist the return is 30%. 基础教育是一个关键领域;据一位著名经济学家对30个国家的研究,其收益率为30%。 4. Three may keep secret if two of them are dead. 若要三人保密,除非两人死去。 3.2 名词性从句的译法 4. It’s quite probable that he is gone.(他已经走了,那是很可能的。) 他很可能已经走了。 5. It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.Pride and Prejudice 用that,what,how等引导的宾语从句汉译时一般不需要改变它在原句中的顺序。 1. I told him that because of the last condition, I’d have to turn it down. 我告诉他,由于那是最后一个条件,我只得谢绝。 2. Can you hear what I said? 你能听得到我所讲的吗? 用 it 作假宾语的句子,汉译时 that 引导的宾语从句一般可按原文顺序;it不译。 I made it clear to them that they must hand in their paper


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