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如何提高农村小学生的英语口语表达能力 (四号宋体加粗) 摘要:本文从农村教师和学生、社会环境等几个方面认真分析农村小学生的英语口语表达现状,提出了农村小学生英语口语表达水平滞后的原因及对策。在基础教育阶段,随着小学英语新教材的推广使用,英语教学正在发生着深刻的变化,英语口语表达能力的训练越来越受到全社会的重视,但在具体的教学实践中仍然存在许多不利因素,直接影响阻碍着农村小学生英语口语训练的顺利进行。本文将就这些不利因素作一分析并谈谈克服这些不利因素的具体对策及英语教师在不断提高自身素质的同时,也要改变传统的教学方法和教学理念,致力于如何提高农村小学生的英语口语表达能力,促进英语教育的全面发展。 (宋体小四) ? 关键词:小学英语;口语表达;对策 How to Improve the Spoken English of Rural Primary and Secondary School Students (Time New Roman 四号加粗) Abstract: Teachers and students from rural areas, social environment, a careful analysis of several aspects of spoken English in rural primary and secondary school students to express the status quo, a rural primary school level of English to express the reasons for and the response lag. The stage of basic education, with the primary school English teaching materials to promote the use of new English teaching is undergoing profound changes in the expression of the capacity of spoken English training more and more attention to the whole society, but in specific teaching practice there are still many adverse factors that hinder a direct impact on spoken English training for rural primary and secondary school students can proceed smoothly. In this paper, these negative factors will be analyzed and overcome these negative factors like the specific measures and English teachers constantly improve their own quality, we must change the traditional teaching methods and teaching philosophy, dedicated to how to improve spoken English in rural primary and secondary school students ability to express and promote the comprehensive development of English education. (小四) ?? Key words: Primary English; oral expression; countermeasures 目 录 (宋体四号,中间空四个字符) 引言…………………………………………………………………1 课堂教学……………………………………………………………1 2.1提高教师自身素质,组织好课堂教学……………………………1 2.1.1加强英语口语训练…………………………………………… 3 2.1.2加强朗读,增强语感………………………………………… 5 2.2创设情景说英语……………………………………………………3 第三章 课外教育………………………………………………………………8 3.1积极营造校园英语气氛…………………………………………


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