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年产5万吨丁苯橡胶的生产工艺设计 摘 要 丁苯橡胶在第二次世界大战以后,发展极为迅速,目前已成为国际上生产量最大的一种合成橡胶,占合成橡胶总产量的80%以上。苏联、美国、加拿大和民主德国丁苯橡胶产量最大,近年来英国、意大利、西德及我国等国家也开始迅猛发展。丁苯橡胶属于普遍类型的橡胶,可以替代天然橡胶,有些性能比天然橡胶更好。本设计为年产5万吨丁苯橡胶工艺设计,整个设计文件由设计说明书和设计图纸两部分组成。在设计说明书中,简单介绍了丁苯橡胶的生产状况、发展趋势、性能和主要用途,也介绍了目前丁苯橡胶的两种常见的工业聚合生产方法,并进行了比较,最后确定以低温乳液聚合作为聚合的工艺生产方法。在设计过程中,根据设计任务书的要求,进行了较为详细的物料衡算和能量衡算,对设备进行了工艺计算和选型,同时对聚丁苯橡胶生产过程中的安全注意事项及“三废”治理作了相关说明。绘制了相应的设计图纸,设计图纸包括工艺流程图、主要设备图等。 关键词:丁苯橡胶,低温乳液聚合,聚合釜,苯乙烯,丁二烯PROCESS DESIGN OF STYRENE BUTADIENE RUBBER WITH ANNUAL OUTPUT OF 50,000 TONS ABSTRACT After the Second World War, SBR develops rapidly. It has become the largest international production of synthetic rubber so far. SBR accounted for more than 80% of total production of Synthetic rubber. The Soviet Union, the United States, Canada and East Germany`s production of the SBR are the largest. In recent years, the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany and China and other countries also started the rapid development of SBR. SBR is common type of rubber, and sometimes it can substitute for natural rubber. Some properties are even better than natural rubber. This is a design for an annual output of 50,000 tons of SBR process. The documents are consisted of design specification and design drawings. In the design of brochures, a brief introduction of the SBR production status, trends, performance and the main purpose of the current SBR, also introduced the two common industrial polymer production methods and make a comparison. It was desided that the low-temperature emulsion polymerization replaced the polymerization technology production methods. In design process, mass balance and energy balance was calculated according to the request of design specification. Process calculation and model selection was made. At the same time, the safe matters need attention and the management of the three wasters in the process of SBR was stated. The relevant design paper was drawn. The engineering flow diagram and major equipment drawing and the arrangement d




