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语用学 Grice (1975)的会话含义理论 四条准则: 质准则,量准则,关系准则,方式准则 语用原则 质的准则(Maxims of quality) 1)不要说知道是假的东西 2)也不要说无依据的话 量的准则(Maxims of quantity) 1)要把话说足 2)但不要多说 A: I need to send Susanne a postcard. Do you know where she lives? B: She lives in Germany. A: Susanne’s English sounds a bit funny. I wonder where She is from. B: She is from 113 Wilhemstrasse, 72074, Tuebingen, Germany. A: Are there any gas stations around here? B: Yes, there are. 关联准则(Maxim of relation) 要说相关的话 方式准则 1)避免晦涩 2)避免歧义 3)要简明 4)要有条不紊 (weak) some, most, all (strong) 一般会话含义和特别会话含义 一般会话含义 Most of John’s friends believe in marriage. + not all of John’s friends believe in marriage 特别会话含义 A: Where is Peter? B: The light in his office is on. + He is in his office. A: How did yesterday’s guest lecture go? B: Some of the faculty left before it ended. + Not all of the faculty left before it ended. + The lecture didn’t go well. 布洛卡失语症 “Yes… ah… Monday… er… Dad and Peter H… (patient’s name), and Dad… er… hospital… and ah… Wednesday… Wednesday, nine o’clock… and oh… Thursday… ten o’clock, ah doctors… two… an’ doctors… and er… teeth…yah 韦尼克失语症 “Well this is… mother is away here working her work out o’here to get her better, but when she’s looking in the other part. One their small tile into her time here. She’s working another time…” 两耳分听实验 语言侧化(linguistic lateralization)指语言能力在大脑神经系统中的分工。一般认为,语言功能的侧化主要在大脑的左半球。 两耳分听实验 (dichotic listening research) ? ?两耳分听研究的结果证实了人类大脑左半球的语言侧化现象。两耳分听实验让受试者带着耳机,然后同时向左右耳输入不同的语言信号。研究人员发现受试者能够更为准确地报告由右耳输入的语言信号。 ??研究人员认为右耳接收到的语言信息直接进入左脑进行加工,而左耳接收到的信息先进入右脑,然后再从右脑送至左脑进行加工。由于间接的路径比直接的路径长,且信息传输所需的时间也长,所以受试者在报告左耳听到的信息没有右耳听到的信息准确。这种现象又称为“右耳优势”。 WADA 方法 Electromagnetic techniques electroencephalography (EEG) magnetoencephalography (MEG) Blood flow techniques Positron emission tomography (PET) Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) 语言的变异 LANGUAGE VARIATION 社会方言是指因年龄、性别、职业、文化程度、阶级等社会因素的不同而决定的小社团语言差异。 地域方言是指同一语言在不同地域的分支。 Standard vs. nonstandard Kim and me wen


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